Ma Vie Et Mes Interets
Par Moi
Salut! Je m’appelles Avery. Je suis nee a Fayetteville en Caroline du nord, mais j’a demenage a la pensylvanie avec ma famille quand j’avais cinq ans. ma maman et papa ont divorcé cette année. C’etait horrible. Mais, j’adore a Hershey a la pensylvanie. Hershey est réputé car c'est le chocolat et c'est le parc d'attractions.
Ma maman est… imprévisible. Elle s’appelle Karan. Elle a cinquante ans. Elle est sympa, mais elle peut être idiote par moments. Mon papa n'est pas impliqué dans ma vie. Il ne se soucie pas beaucoup. Moi frère de jumeau, il s’appelle Ari. Il a quatorze ans aussi. Il est sont parfois penible quelquefois, mais je l’aime. Mes frères plus vieux sont aussi des jumeaux. Ils s’appelles sont Phillip et Christopher Deaver. Ils ont un différent père que moi et mon frère. Phillip est mechant, et Chris est… compliqué, mais ils sont des frères plus vieux. Que voulez-vous?
Je changerai au pensionnat de Milton Hershey en janvier. J’ai Francais premiere periode. J’aime bien le Francais. C’est passionnant. J’ai l’algebre deuxieme periode avec Madame Harrell. Elle est.... différent. J’ai l’EPS aussi, avec Entraîneur Wheeler. Il est difficile. Et aussi, j’ai science naturelles avancee avec Madame Jefferys. Madame Jefferys est pas barbant.
Je fais plongee pratique trios fois par semaine. C’est cool. Je joue au foot avec mes amis, mais elles sont terrible. Je pousserai au Lac Johnson deux fois par semaine au printemps
Quand j'étais dans la troisième qualité, j'ai fait mon plan de rez-de-chaussée. Cela m'a fait vouloir devenir un architectee parce qu'il a eu l'air de beaucoup d'amusement pour concevoir des maisons.
Quand j'étais dans la sixième qualité, j'ai écrit ma première chanson. Je l'ai aimé et il a commencé à fleurir comme une fleur florissant au printemps. J'ai couru avec cela. Et si maintenant, j'ai écrit un total de 360 chansons et de quelques travail-dans-progrès.
dans l'avenir, je veux être un architectee. Je me vois dans environ 7 ans en terminant les études à l'Université Yale, l'Université de New York, ou à l'Université Cornell. Je veux commencer ma propre société d'architecture, pour que je puisse construire des maisons eco-sympathiques pour la population. Sans tenir compte de l'économie en ce moment, je veux toujours entrer dans les affaires de design. Je voudrais aussi devenir et le créateur intérieur. J'aime concevoir des pièces et tout comme ça.
du point de vue des sports, en 2012 je voudrais être en Été 2012 de Londres olymics. Je suis censé aller à un camp sportif pendant été tout le 2009 en Fiji, Australie et Nouvelle-Zélande. Là je dois m'entraîner avec les athlètes olympiques passés. La seule chose quittée pour protéger est si ma maman dira oui ou non... Je veux rencontrer Michael Phelps et un ami mien voudrait rencontrer Shawn Johnson, ainsi... Je veux vraiment aller aux jeux Olympiques. Ce serait un honneur pour moi. Plus moi vraiment comme David Boudia et je crois que je peux apprendre beaucoup des autres athlètes.
J'espère être marié quelques années après que je sors du collège, mais j'ai de hautes normes. Je veux avoir quelques gamins. J'adopterai des gamins aussi, cependant Je veux aussi être Angelina suivant Jolie, du point de vue de l'adoptant des gamins.
We don't go Breaking down. I feel like nothing Ever will.
What does it all mean? For some the question is easy, while others answer with another question: What does it exactly mean? What are you talking about exactly?
What does life mean? Life means you go through the motions and figure out who you are. For some it's about love, which only brings up the question: What does it mean to love?
Well the answer is quite simple, to love is to lead and to trust. Trust you're safe; Trust you have someone who will catch you when you fall in love.
For me at the moment, I think it's best to just keep the relationships I have with guys purely friendship. In the past, I haven't been too good at more than friends, and To Whom It May Concern, I'm sorry. Sorry for what I did, for what I didn't do; things I didn't say.
I'm not giving up, though. Hardly. I don't really think I'm fully capable of doing that fully. Sure it might seem like I do, but I haven't.
I was told that I should put some lesson in here, but I realized that I can't because if I do, it'll through the whole thing out of whack because all the things I write are lessons in themselves. They take on a life of their own, and even I learn from them when I forget that I wrote them.
I was also told to stop writing and thinking, and just live. And yet, I can't do that because my life is what it is and it'll push people away or bring them closer, but if I don't say what I need to and keep them bottled up, then well… I lose
There's this old nursery rhyme that goes:
"A man of words and not of deeds Is like a garden full of weeds
What does life mean? Life means you go through the motions and figure out who you are. For some it's about love, which only brings up the question: What does it mean to love?
Well the answer is quite simple, to love is to lead and to trust. Trust you're safe; Trust you have someone who will catch you when you fall in love.
For me at the moment, I think it's best to just keep the relationships I have with guys purely friendship. In the past, I haven't been too good at more than friends, and To Whom It May Concern, I'm sorry. Sorry for what I did, for what I didn't do; things I didn't say.
I'm not giving up, though. Hardly. I don't really think I'm fully capable of doing that fully. Sure it might seem like I do, but I haven't.
I was told that I should put some lesson in here, but I realized that I can't because if I do, it'll through the whole thing out of whack because all the things I write are lessons in themselves. They take on a life of their own, and even I learn from them when I forget that I wrote them.
I was also told to stop writing and thinking, and just live. And yet, I can't do that because my life is what it is and it'll push people away or bring them closer, but if I don't say what I need to and keep them bottled up, then well… I lose
There's this old nursery rhyme that goes:
"A man of words and not of deeds Is like a garden full of weeds
And when the weeds begin to grow It's like a garden full of snow
And when the snow begins to fall It's like a bird upon the wall
And when the bird away does fly It's like an eagle in the sky
And when the sky begins to roar It's like a lion at the door
And when the door begins to crack It's like a stick across your back
And when your back begins to smart
It's like a penknife in your heart
And when your heart begins to bleed
You're dead, and dead, and dead indeed.
Simply, this means don't say you'll do something, do it, or what you don't do, will kill you.
It's pretty awkward for me to think that I've been hurt so much that it kills me to trust someone. Yet when I do trust someone, I get hurt. The last time I trusted someone and every time before it, I got let down , and cast off like last season's Marc by Marc Jacobs pumps in Tinsley Carmichael's walk-in closet. Ouch! Tres harsh!
You see, though, the difference between me and those shoes -besides the human vs. inanimate object side-is that sometimes when I get screwed over. I get up and I fight back (kind like Bambi on steroids after they kill Bambi's mother –oh yeah I so went there). So I know when that I-have-to-do-something-or-I'll-scream-feeling kicks in, that I'm over him.
It's not like a guys should hold that much stock in my life, but sadly it doe. Sure, the majority of the people that read this –or hear about this in some cases –think I'm shallow, but whatev I think that sometimes too. So go on; forward this to all your buddies; I don't care anymore.
You know, some people hold so much stock in a person's life that that person feels obligated to do anything to help; regardless of how much they'll get hurt. It's really funny to me because I finally have something that makes me feel like a person –not a pair of cast-off-I-could-care-less-shoes-that-an-Elite-Upper-East-Sider-that-anyone-who's-anyone-envy's-and-knows-about shoes; but a person.
Almost a month has gone bye since the world stood still. Just kidding, only my world stood still. But yet, I get to erase the past seven months from my long-term memory bank. Funny isn’t it? Someone says “jump,” and I say, “How high?” I can’t fathom that nor do I really want to.
Je pense donc je suis (I think therefore I am; -for those who don’t speak French) –Julius Caesar
I have exactly 43 days –that’s 6 weeks one day; 1032 hours; that’s 61,920 minutes; 3,715,200 seconds till I am free.
I’m at that point past exhaustion where all you want to do is sleep, but yet somehow, you can’t get to sleep because –and here’s and oxy-moron for you –you’re too tired for sleep.
I don’t know why, I just am really tired.
If there’s one thing I learned from life, it’s that you can want someone in you life with all your heart, and all your being, but if they don’t want you… It’s just wasted energy.
If no one wants you, then you have yourself. It’s totally ironic because we live in a world of dishonest people but that only means you have to be honest with each other. Yet, you never want to show someone just how much you need them because in doing that, you let yourself down, and give them the power.
Things are not coincidences because the only truth in a coincidence is the illusion of a coincidence. And the list that we tell are really just the truth coming out in little snippets.
Truth? My life sucks. Truth? I won’t harm myself because he’d miss me forever. Truth? I never wanted this. Truth? I think this was where Aaron and Jake were before they died. I think Aaron wanted to keep going because of me. I think Jade though Aaron wanted us to keep in contact. I think Isaac was drunk. I think Jade and Isaac we’re overcome with grief. I think they were where I am. But what about their parents? They now have three dead sons. What are they going to do? What am I going to do?
It just occurred to me; there are endless uses for numbers. Numbers analyze you; they tell you how good or bad you are. Numbers tell you that you can’t, or you won’t. Numbers are proven wrong every time, but they keep going.
Analysis: You’re driven. No matter what does it, there’s always something that does it. Love. Hate. Revenge. Freedom.
What we know is what we know. What we don’t know is what we’ll learn. What we can’t learn we’ll fight for. What makes us weak makes us strong. What boosts our egos kills us.
It’s a silly topic, I know, but what makes some people love it? For me, I love it because rain clears away all. All the tears. All the sweat. All the burden.
When you run in the rain, it’s like running into a never-ending sprinkler like when you were a kid. It makes you feel free.
When you cry in the rain, it still has that freeing quality because the rain erases all the tears. The rain leaves the tracks as clean water, rather than as the tainted water that causes the burning sensation after a long swim.
Water. It frees.
For me, the most freeing time of day is 4 AM. When I wake up –or just stay up and wait –and see its 4 AM, I ‘m ultimately free. I just free myself from the bonds and binds of the previous day.
Everyone’s right. I am uptight sometimes. I don’t mean to be, but I guess I’m more concerned with what colleges and other people think. See this is the part where you’re supposed to say, “pish-posh”
Guys are only interested in one thing: sex. If they can’t get it from one girl, they’ll move on. Simple as that.
My diving coach says, “Guys are pigs until you’re 25,” and it finally sunk in. guys are pigs, but that doesn’t mean “friends” isn’t possible. And not every guy is a pig. In fact, one out of every 20 guys is most likely not a pig.
I’m a paradox. I love romance, but hate sad endings. I love action movies, but hate when people die. I love horror movies, but hate the fear. I love the adrenaline and hate the crash. I can’t win with myself. How can I win with others?
I hate that I do that, but I do and I can’t really help it. When I finally learned the meat-and-potatoes to him, I got scared and ran. It scared me because we have so much in common, and yet we’re so different. His life and family is Leave it to Beaver, and I’m The secret Life of the American Teenager (minus the sex, pregnancy, and the band camp).
I have a competition coming up, and I’m stoked. I have everything down-pat. I’m different that I was when school began. I’m cleaner, and less burdened, somehow. I have an understanding and I have a new outlook.
I’m freezing right now, but I don’t want to move. I want to savor it, and then when I decide I need warmth, I’ll do it.
Meaning: a branch of philosophy dealing with the appreciation of beauty in art.
Aesthetics may not just be found in art. They can be found in life. A sunset off a beach; A meadow on a clear day; a moonscape. A person who rarely trusts , trusting in herself, in what she can do, and in another.
But sadly, the aesthetics get lost. Because of the sad revelation that is: We aren’t what we seek. We seek hope (hopeless), love (loveless) piece of mind (down right crazy), and friendship (lonely. We only seek what we don’t have or have greed or glutton for (two of the seven deadly sins by the way), and we seek it blindly.
What is it you seek?
Simply, this means don't say you'll do something, do it, or what you don't do, will kill you.
It's pretty awkward for me to think that I've been hurt so much that it kills me to trust someone. Yet when I do trust someone, I get hurt. The last time I trusted someone and every time before it, I got let down , and cast off like last season's Marc by Marc Jacobs pumps in Tinsley Carmichael's walk-in closet. Ouch! Tres harsh!
You see, though, the difference between me and those shoes -besides the human vs. inanimate object side-is that sometimes when I get screwed over. I get up and I fight back (kind like Bambi on steroids after they kill Bambi's mother –oh yeah I so went there). So I know when that I-have-to-do-something-or-I'll-scream-feeling kicks in, that I'm over him.
It's not like a guys should hold that much stock in my life, but sadly it doe. Sure, the majority of the people that read this –or hear about this in some cases –think I'm shallow, but whatev I think that sometimes too. So go on; forward this to all your buddies; I don't care anymore.
You know, some people hold so much stock in a person's life that that person feels obligated to do anything to help; regardless of how much they'll get hurt. It's really funny to me because I finally have something that makes me feel like a person –not a pair of cast-off-I-could-care-less-shoes-that-an-Elite-Upper-East-Sider-that-anyone-who's-anyone-envy's-and-knows-about shoes; but a person.
Almost a month has gone bye since the world stood still. Just kidding, only my world stood still. But yet, I get to erase the past seven months from my long-term memory bank. Funny isn’t it? Someone says “jump,” and I say, “How high?” I can’t fathom that nor do I really want to.
Je pense donc je suis (I think therefore I am; -for those who don’t speak French) –Julius Caesar
I have exactly 43 days –that’s 6 weeks one day; 1032 hours; that’s 61,920 minutes; 3,715,200 seconds till I am free.
I’m at that point past exhaustion where all you want to do is sleep, but yet somehow, you can’t get to sleep because –and here’s and oxy-moron for you –you’re too tired for sleep.
I don’t know why, I just am really tired.
If there’s one thing I learned from life, it’s that you can want someone in you life with all your heart, and all your being, but if they don’t want you… It’s just wasted energy.
If no one wants you, then you have yourself. It’s totally ironic because we live in a world of dishonest people but that only means you have to be honest with each other. Yet, you never want to show someone just how much you need them because in doing that, you let yourself down, and give them the power.
Things are not coincidences because the only truth in a coincidence is the illusion of a coincidence. And the list that we tell are really just the truth coming out in little snippets.
Truth? My life sucks. Truth? I won’t harm myself because he’d miss me forever. Truth? I never wanted this. Truth? I think this was where Aaron and Jake were before they died. I think Aaron wanted to keep going because of me. I think Jade though Aaron wanted us to keep in contact. I think Isaac was drunk. I think Jade and Isaac we’re overcome with grief. I think they were where I am. But what about their parents? They now have three dead sons. What are they going to do? What am I going to do?
It just occurred to me; there are endless uses for numbers. Numbers analyze you; they tell you how good or bad you are. Numbers tell you that you can’t, or you won’t. Numbers are proven wrong every time, but they keep going.
Analysis: You’re driven. No matter what does it, there’s always something that does it. Love. Hate. Revenge. Freedom.
What we know is what we know. What we don’t know is what we’ll learn. What we can’t learn we’ll fight for. What makes us weak makes us strong. What boosts our egos kills us.
It’s a silly topic, I know, but what makes some people love it? For me, I love it because rain clears away all. All the tears. All the sweat. All the burden.
When you run in the rain, it’s like running into a never-ending sprinkler like when you were a kid. It makes you feel free.
When you cry in the rain, it still has that freeing quality because the rain erases all the tears. The rain leaves the tracks as clean water, rather than as the tainted water that causes the burning sensation after a long swim.
Water. It frees.
For me, the most freeing time of day is 4 AM. When I wake up –or just stay up and wait –and see its 4 AM, I ‘m ultimately free. I just free myself from the bonds and binds of the previous day.
Everyone’s right. I am uptight sometimes. I don’t mean to be, but I guess I’m more concerned with what colleges and other people think. See this is the part where you’re supposed to say, “pish-posh”
Guys are only interested in one thing: sex. If they can’t get it from one girl, they’ll move on. Simple as that.
My diving coach says, “Guys are pigs until you’re 25,” and it finally sunk in. guys are pigs, but that doesn’t mean “friends” isn’t possible. And not every guy is a pig. In fact, one out of every 20 guys is most likely not a pig.
I’m a paradox. I love romance, but hate sad endings. I love action movies, but hate when people die. I love horror movies, but hate the fear. I love the adrenaline and hate the crash. I can’t win with myself. How can I win with others?
I hate that I do that, but I do and I can’t really help it. When I finally learned the meat-and-potatoes to him, I got scared and ran. It scared me because we have so much in common, and yet we’re so different. His life and family is Leave it to Beaver, and I’m The secret Life of the American Teenager (minus the sex, pregnancy, and the band camp).
I have a competition coming up, and I’m stoked. I have everything down-pat. I’m different that I was when school began. I’m cleaner, and less burdened, somehow. I have an understanding and I have a new outlook.
I’m freezing right now, but I don’t want to move. I want to savor it, and then when I decide I need warmth, I’ll do it.
Meaning: a branch of philosophy dealing with the appreciation of beauty in art.
Aesthetics may not just be found in art. They can be found in life. A sunset off a beach; A meadow on a clear day; a moonscape. A person who rarely trusts , trusting in herself, in what she can do, and in another.
But sadly, the aesthetics get lost. Because of the sad revelation that is: We aren’t what we seek. We seek hope (hopeless), love (loveless) piece of mind (down right crazy), and friendship (lonely. We only seek what we don’t have or have greed or glutton for (two of the seven deadly sins by the way), and we seek it blindly.
What is it you seek?
There's this tree I pass everyday to and from school. To anyone it's just a tree, but to me it's a constant reminder that I haven't been who I know is me. You see, this tree marks the spot on the road I live on where I lost myself.
This tree marks the place where I was most unlike myself. It shows me that, yes, people make mistakes, but we can pull a one-eighty and just as quickly prove everyone wrong.
Not more than a half a block further down is this streetlight where I first did something that made me feel. I opened up to a guy who I thought loved me -or rather as he put it "cared"- but I like to think love as in LYLAF (love you like a friend).
Then just off of my old street is the old house where just outside I talked to him for the first time. He was funny and just his breathing made me feel better than I ever was. Then he understood when my phone died.
Now that he's gone, I don't know, I guess, I have a void. I guess that's fine, but I don't want it. I guess I'm afraid I won't be who I'm supposed to be without there being a guy in my life. Yes, I do however, know how shallow and superficial that sounds, but it's true.
I don't really know why this is. But I'm starting to see the older you get, the easier it is and the larger scale people lie to you. When you're younger they tell you things like, "babies come from the stork," and, "its okay to eat mud." But then you get older and the lies get worse, and that is what gets me. How can people so easily lie to you?
Don't they have a conscience?
But it gets me that I have all these people involved in my life, how many are lying to me?
I have this crazy dream that no one seems to think I can make a reality. I want nothing more than to prove them wrong.
I know this feeling all too well because I get the same feeling when I run. I was always told I can't; I can't run; I can't beat the boys; I can't dive. But really I can.
I don't really know how I got where I am. I like to think I woke up one morning and just was; like I just became me overnight. Although, I know this isn't true, I like to believe it.
There's this never-ending story that no one seems to want to tell. But for me, it's all I want. I want to capture this moment and every one after it and before it. I want everyone to feel exactly what I feel because they can. I want to wake up in the morning and know that nothing bad is going to happen.
I know this is a lot to ask. But for this year of mine to be complete, I want to know that I will never have to sink and hit rock bottom because I want be able to love someone. But in order for me to love someone, I have to trust. I guess for me that's the problem, because in order for me to trust someone I have to risk everything.
Risk my life. Risk my priorities. Risk me.
I guess for everyone to love someone we have to be willing and able to fall or for some- crash into love. No one wants to get hurt, and no one wants to lose, but the only one's that lose are the ones who were too afraid to try.
While yes, I'll admit I don't always say what I want, I know my priorities. I know that when a guy comes ahead of your family –no matter how bad they are- your friends –no matter how much they hate you- your religion –no matter how early you have to get up on a Sunday- and worst yet, your passion; you can't honestly be honest with anyone, not even yourself.
It's funny, but sometimes I think about the things that keep me closed off from people who have nothing to do with the pain and heartache I felt and still feel, and can't imagine how they could possibly understand.
Truthfully, I don't think anyone could ever understand, because if they did, that would mean that they care enough to listen. I know they say, "the past can't define us, we only have now," but it does. The past means everything to us. It's the history that we have to learn; the history of our families; and the reasons we feel the way we do.
George Bernard Shaw once wrote, "The only thing worse than gaining your heart's desire is losing it," or something like that. He's wrong. If you lose your heart's desire, then yes, it's going to hurt, but that only makes you want to fight harder for it.
There's this force that drives us. It keeps us going because if we stop, we know it's over. And no one wants that.
I have no idea where I'm going, but I know where I want to go, and I know my priorities. I guess everyone wants and needs someone there to get it, but sadly there are times in our lives when there's something that they're not going to get.
With me, it's how a person can care one second, and then the next just not. I don't get how we can so easily change like nothing happened. I don't get how a family can be functional and yet desert the person who doesn't fit. And I don't get how people can open up so easily and not worry about getting hurt.
While there are a million things I will never possibly get, I see the beauty in the reasons behind everything. The reason we let go; the reason we hang on; the reason we wander aimlessly and don't seem to know how we got here.
I was always told I am the exception; the one who doesn't fit a mold because the mold is me. I don't really see it.
It's strange for me because with everything I just said, I'm more afraid of being alone. Tennessee Williams once wrote: "To be lonely in a world where all are lonely, it would be inexcusably selfish to be lonely alone." I love this quote because for me it means that yes, you're alone, but you're not lonely alone.
What drives you?
The beauty of it all is the fact that someone cares. They care enough to ask how you are; to ask what's wrong. When someone cares you're on top of the world. Then, when they stop… you just fall; and fall; and fall.
And you keep falling hoping someone will catch you. After awhile you stop hoping and just let yourself fall.
I've always been told I put way too much though into things. Just ask my coaches, they'll tell you…. "She holds back because she's afraid."
"Afraid of what?"
"I don't know. You'll just have to ask her."
And that's the thing; there are so many things I'm afraid of: losing myself; failing; and perhaps the biggest one of all… I'm afraid of letting other people down. I'm too afraid of not making everyone else happy that sometimes I end up making myself unhappy.
But those people that lee me I've been putting too much thought into things; well, here's how I put it: When you stop thought, you stop thinking. When you stop thinking, you get lost. When you get lost, you fear. When you fear, the fears you fear become bigger. When your fears become big enough, they engulf you. When that happens... you're dead.
I'm an introverted person and normally that's bad; but in my case- I'm better for it. I can help people because I can think and respond in less time because I'm prepared.
Everyone hates me. I guess it's because I hate myself, but… is it too much to ask to just have one person that just…. I don't know, loves me?
Today's Thanksgiving, and while everyone is happy and being thankful; I don't see the point. I lost everything that ever had meaning. Everyone I know thinks I need therapy, but I'm the only one who doesn't.
I guess in this case: majority rules. *shrug*
I hate that rule. What if everyone is just going along with it because they know the cooler person's voting in a certain way? What then?
It's just so mind-boggling. :lol: That's a funny word: mind-boggling.
Last night at practice I totally whomped (sorry Coach Wesendunk L) I spent like an hour on my forward somersault, and STILL didn't get it. This totally freaks me out because right before the first meet I did the forward somersault perfectly… or close, I at least did the dive without under- or over-rotating.
Now there's this crazy silence in my brain like nothing's going on, yet I know that's not the case. I know there's a million things going through my mind at once.
I think it's strange that we, as humans, can redo a lot of things, but we can't redo ourselves. We can redo our room, wardrobe and attitude; but we can't redo our actions. It's just creepy.
I've learned something this break… You can trust yourself or not, but the choice isn't always yours when it comes to trusting others. When they let you down –which they always do- you only have yourself to blame.
Are you an existentialist?
Words mean a lot. They can make or break a person. But when they break you, it's like a flesh-eating virus: It spreads.
Lately, it seems the more things change, the more they really stay the same because the only thing that's staying the same is the thing that's changing.
Words can build trust. For every word he ever said, I trusted him a thousand times more. For every word he didn't say I lost myself a little more. For every breath and every break he took, I longed to hear a familiar voice, and it never will come again.
I keep trying to tell him, " I need to hear you say it, " because with me, if I don't hear it, I don't believe it. If I don't believe it, I don't let go. If I don't let go, I get hurt.
I tried to tell him how I feel, but the words would never come out. I tried to tell him how much his words help or hurt me, but the words never came.
Truth? Words mean the world to me. Words mean the world to someone, and when you take them away, it's like depriving them of oxygen and then sadistically watching as they die slowly.
With every right I took, he was there, and then when I mad a few lefts, I felt him let go slowly. Then the final left I made, he let go completely. But I guess I deserve it, right?
Ultimately, I have the only thing I need and that's life, but sometimes life gets unbearable, and you need to share it with someone or you'll implode. But when I did, I ended up getting hurt, and I know it was my fault, but how much is too much of your life to share?
I didn't want to lie to him, so when I this whole other situation blew up in my face, I ask his opinion; and now I wish I hadn't; Because that asking of his opinion made him run, and I'm sorry.
But with all the words that are flooding my mind, I can't seem to make the right statement that'll make it all okay. So when he said he couldn't do this anymore, he hoped I'd understand, I stupidly said, "It's okay I totally understand. I'm glad you were honest with me," knowing that I wanted to say, "Why? It's not like we're in a 'relationship'" I know I'd sound like a whore to him, but that's what I should have said. I didn't an now I'm suffering.
Words impact more than you think.
What have you said recently that you wish you could take back?
Verse one:
Sitting in my room
Trying to breathe life
Into the words
I write onto the paper
No luck
No luck.
Holding back as I
Try to search my brain
Angered slightly
Why can't these words find
Try one more time
Try to find who I am.
There are seven dwarves
There are open doors.
Each one of them is closing.
There is a catastrophe.
I forgot an apostrophe
On my words.
Spinning around slowly
Don't want to get sick.
I'm over it.
Not over you.
I'm under someone else's
Is that okay with
Verse two:
Hiding every mark
Trying to start over.
No reason why.
I have nothing on
That will brace me
For the cold wind
Of November.
My coat's in my house
My skin s goose bitten
Too bad
If it's
(sorry I'm done with you)
Too late
For us to be
(so you can let go of me)
I'm through with these
I'm over the sweet exclamations
You made.
Not tied down to you
Not lost in the blue of your eyes.
Not this time.
When he died, I though my world was falling apart. I thought everything I had died along with him. Then he game me meaning.
I guess his death and his betrayal was some sort of motor. I heard through the grapevine that I'm good enough to make it to State. I don't know though.
Things I want for next year.
1. To drop down to 117.
2. To drive
3. To love
4. To meet someone who makes me feel
5. To impact someone else's life
6. To live
7. To get a perfect on the SAT & ACT
8. To make money to buy what I want
9. To volunteer.
10. To talk to him again.
There's this moment; it only happens very rarely, but it's there –when everything seems perfect. And though we know, it isn't perfect, we're fine with that. You see, because we build our world on the false pretense that we're going to be the best, we suffer.
There will always be someone who is better than us.
You can't force love because if you do, you get hurt. This is so because you create something that isn't love as love; and that thing leaves, well so do you.
People change.
If there's anything that anyone learns from me I want it to be this: People change. Yes, they may seem like your knight in shining armor, but fairytales are overrated. That farce and that illusion vanish after awhile, and you don't see what you thought you saw.
Lately, it seems like no one's really listening. I mean of course they say they are, but I know better than to believe that. With certain people you can tell almost immediately because they get this glazed over look in their eyes; while others… are difficult.
What does family mean to you? To me it's just a... word, because my family hurts me… emotionally… no need to call DSS... jeez. They say they don't but I won't lie. There are times when I just don't want it anymore, and there are times when I want to run and never come back (some would say that's what I'm doing by going to boarding school), but I don't because I have other responsibilities.
There's this quote I once came across that said, "All are architects of fate." I love tis quote because while, yes, I am a Christian, it gives me hope that I have control too. It means that I can control my destiny because I can choose. I have free will.
Free will. It's funny because on this forum I help moderate, we had the same topic: Do we really have free will? I said that we do, because we have the choice to obey God, or not. Then it was said that God knows all so He knows what we're going to do and if we had free will and went against Him that would mean HE was wrong, and He's never wrong. My rebuttal was that He can change His mind, and also change the path He trekked out for each of us,. Yes we have free will because even if we go against Him, He is never wrong because He reserved the right to change His mind.
One of my favorite songs is by Far-Less; It's called, "A toast to bad Taste." There's this part in it where it says, "Just like the lion and the lamb/ But only in real life./ you won't see, hunter and prey/ polluting the same space/ ooo-afraid to go/ ooo-but I can't speak for myself//" I guess we're all afraid to go because in all actuality, we're all the prey in some sense, but we're all also the hunter in a sense because we're looking for something that isn't there…. And it's: validation.
Further on in the song it's said, "you can't see the lives that we lead/ when you've lost your will to be." This is true because when you lose all meaning the only thing you CAN see is the things YOU'VE done wrong; words you never said; good deeds you left unrewarded.
What's the one thing you wish you could change?
This tree marks the place where I was most unlike myself. It shows me that, yes, people make mistakes, but we can pull a one-eighty and just as quickly prove everyone wrong.
Not more than a half a block further down is this streetlight where I first did something that made me feel. I opened up to a guy who I thought loved me -or rather as he put it "cared"- but I like to think love as in LYLAF (love you like a friend).
Then just off of my old street is the old house where just outside I talked to him for the first time. He was funny and just his breathing made me feel better than I ever was. Then he understood when my phone died.
Now that he's gone, I don't know, I guess, I have a void. I guess that's fine, but I don't want it. I guess I'm afraid I won't be who I'm supposed to be without there being a guy in my life. Yes, I do however, know how shallow and superficial that sounds, but it's true.
I don't really know why this is. But I'm starting to see the older you get, the easier it is and the larger scale people lie to you. When you're younger they tell you things like, "babies come from the stork," and, "its okay to eat mud." But then you get older and the lies get worse, and that is what gets me. How can people so easily lie to you?
Don't they have a conscience?
But it gets me that I have all these people involved in my life, how many are lying to me?
I have this crazy dream that no one seems to think I can make a reality. I want nothing more than to prove them wrong.
I know this feeling all too well because I get the same feeling when I run. I was always told I can't; I can't run; I can't beat the boys; I can't dive. But really I can.
I don't really know how I got where I am. I like to think I woke up one morning and just was; like I just became me overnight. Although, I know this isn't true, I like to believe it.
There's this never-ending story that no one seems to want to tell. But for me, it's all I want. I want to capture this moment and every one after it and before it. I want everyone to feel exactly what I feel because they can. I want to wake up in the morning and know that nothing bad is going to happen.
I know this is a lot to ask. But for this year of mine to be complete, I want to know that I will never have to sink and hit rock bottom because I want be able to love someone. But in order for me to love someone, I have to trust. I guess for me that's the problem, because in order for me to trust someone I have to risk everything.
Risk my life. Risk my priorities. Risk me.
I guess for everyone to love someone we have to be willing and able to fall or for some- crash into love. No one wants to get hurt, and no one wants to lose, but the only one's that lose are the ones who were too afraid to try.
While yes, I'll admit I don't always say what I want, I know my priorities. I know that when a guy comes ahead of your family –no matter how bad they are- your friends –no matter how much they hate you- your religion –no matter how early you have to get up on a Sunday- and worst yet, your passion; you can't honestly be honest with anyone, not even yourself.
It's funny, but sometimes I think about the things that keep me closed off from people who have nothing to do with the pain and heartache I felt and still feel, and can't imagine how they could possibly understand.
Truthfully, I don't think anyone could ever understand, because if they did, that would mean that they care enough to listen. I know they say, "the past can't define us, we only have now," but it does. The past means everything to us. It's the history that we have to learn; the history of our families; and the reasons we feel the way we do.
George Bernard Shaw once wrote, "The only thing worse than gaining your heart's desire is losing it," or something like that. He's wrong. If you lose your heart's desire, then yes, it's going to hurt, but that only makes you want to fight harder for it.
There's this force that drives us. It keeps us going because if we stop, we know it's over. And no one wants that.
I have no idea where I'm going, but I know where I want to go, and I know my priorities. I guess everyone wants and needs someone there to get it, but sadly there are times in our lives when there's something that they're not going to get.
With me, it's how a person can care one second, and then the next just not. I don't get how we can so easily change like nothing happened. I don't get how a family can be functional and yet desert the person who doesn't fit. And I don't get how people can open up so easily and not worry about getting hurt.
While there are a million things I will never possibly get, I see the beauty in the reasons behind everything. The reason we let go; the reason we hang on; the reason we wander aimlessly and don't seem to know how we got here.
I was always told I am the exception; the one who doesn't fit a mold because the mold is me. I don't really see it.
It's strange for me because with everything I just said, I'm more afraid of being alone. Tennessee Williams once wrote: "To be lonely in a world where all are lonely, it would be inexcusably selfish to be lonely alone." I love this quote because for me it means that yes, you're alone, but you're not lonely alone.
What drives you?
The beauty of it all is the fact that someone cares. They care enough to ask how you are; to ask what's wrong. When someone cares you're on top of the world. Then, when they stop… you just fall; and fall; and fall.
And you keep falling hoping someone will catch you. After awhile you stop hoping and just let yourself fall.
I've always been told I put way too much though into things. Just ask my coaches, they'll tell you…. "She holds back because she's afraid."
"Afraid of what?"
"I don't know. You'll just have to ask her."
And that's the thing; there are so many things I'm afraid of: losing myself; failing; and perhaps the biggest one of all… I'm afraid of letting other people down. I'm too afraid of not making everyone else happy that sometimes I end up making myself unhappy.
But those people that lee me I've been putting too much thought into things; well, here's how I put it: When you stop thought, you stop thinking. When you stop thinking, you get lost. When you get lost, you fear. When you fear, the fears you fear become bigger. When your fears become big enough, they engulf you. When that happens... you're dead.
I'm an introverted person and normally that's bad; but in my case- I'm better for it. I can help people because I can think and respond in less time because I'm prepared.
Everyone hates me. I guess it's because I hate myself, but… is it too much to ask to just have one person that just…. I don't know, loves me?
Today's Thanksgiving, and while everyone is happy and being thankful; I don't see the point. I lost everything that ever had meaning. Everyone I know thinks I need therapy, but I'm the only one who doesn't.
I guess in this case: majority rules. *shrug*
I hate that rule. What if everyone is just going along with it because they know the cooler person's voting in a certain way? What then?
It's just so mind-boggling. :lol: That's a funny word: mind-boggling.
Last night at practice I totally whomped (sorry Coach Wesendunk L) I spent like an hour on my forward somersault, and STILL didn't get it. This totally freaks me out because right before the first meet I did the forward somersault perfectly… or close, I at least did the dive without under- or over-rotating.
Now there's this crazy silence in my brain like nothing's going on, yet I know that's not the case. I know there's a million things going through my mind at once.
I think it's strange that we, as humans, can redo a lot of things, but we can't redo ourselves. We can redo our room, wardrobe and attitude; but we can't redo our actions. It's just creepy.
I've learned something this break… You can trust yourself or not, but the choice isn't always yours when it comes to trusting others. When they let you down –which they always do- you only have yourself to blame.
Are you an existentialist?
Words mean a lot. They can make or break a person. But when they break you, it's like a flesh-eating virus: It spreads.
Lately, it seems the more things change, the more they really stay the same because the only thing that's staying the same is the thing that's changing.
Words can build trust. For every word he ever said, I trusted him a thousand times more. For every word he didn't say I lost myself a little more. For every breath and every break he took, I longed to hear a familiar voice, and it never will come again.
I keep trying to tell him, " I need to hear you say it, " because with me, if I don't hear it, I don't believe it. If I don't believe it, I don't let go. If I don't let go, I get hurt.
I tried to tell him how I feel, but the words would never come out. I tried to tell him how much his words help or hurt me, but the words never came.
Truth? Words mean the world to me. Words mean the world to someone, and when you take them away, it's like depriving them of oxygen and then sadistically watching as they die slowly.
With every right I took, he was there, and then when I mad a few lefts, I felt him let go slowly. Then the final left I made, he let go completely. But I guess I deserve it, right?
Ultimately, I have the only thing I need and that's life, but sometimes life gets unbearable, and you need to share it with someone or you'll implode. But when I did, I ended up getting hurt, and I know it was my fault, but how much is too much of your life to share?
I didn't want to lie to him, so when I this whole other situation blew up in my face, I ask his opinion; and now I wish I hadn't; Because that asking of his opinion made him run, and I'm sorry.
But with all the words that are flooding my mind, I can't seem to make the right statement that'll make it all okay. So when he said he couldn't do this anymore, he hoped I'd understand, I stupidly said, "It's okay I totally understand. I'm glad you were honest with me," knowing that I wanted to say, "Why? It's not like we're in a 'relationship'" I know I'd sound like a whore to him, but that's what I should have said. I didn't an now I'm suffering.
Words impact more than you think.
What have you said recently that you wish you could take back?
Verse one:
Sitting in my room
Trying to breathe life
Into the words
I write onto the paper
No luck
No luck.
Holding back as I
Try to search my brain
Angered slightly
Why can't these words find
Try one more time
Try to find who I am.
There are seven dwarves
There are open doors.
Each one of them is closing.
There is a catastrophe.
I forgot an apostrophe
On my words.
Spinning around slowly
Don't want to get sick.
I'm over it.
Not over you.
I'm under someone else's
Is that okay with
Verse two:
Hiding every mark
Trying to start over.
No reason why.
I have nothing on
That will brace me
For the cold wind
Of November.
My coat's in my house
My skin s goose bitten
Too bad
If it's
(sorry I'm done with you)
Too late
For us to be
(so you can let go of me)
I'm through with these
I'm over the sweet exclamations
You made.
Not tied down to you
Not lost in the blue of your eyes.
Not this time.
When he died, I though my world was falling apart. I thought everything I had died along with him. Then he game me meaning.
I guess his death and his betrayal was some sort of motor. I heard through the grapevine that I'm good enough to make it to State. I don't know though.
Things I want for next year.
1. To drop down to 117.
2. To drive
3. To love
4. To meet someone who makes me feel
5. To impact someone else's life
6. To live
7. To get a perfect on the SAT & ACT
8. To make money to buy what I want
9. To volunteer.
10. To talk to him again.
There's this moment; it only happens very rarely, but it's there –when everything seems perfect. And though we know, it isn't perfect, we're fine with that. You see, because we build our world on the false pretense that we're going to be the best, we suffer.
There will always be someone who is better than us.
You can't force love because if you do, you get hurt. This is so because you create something that isn't love as love; and that thing leaves, well so do you.
People change.
If there's anything that anyone learns from me I want it to be this: People change. Yes, they may seem like your knight in shining armor, but fairytales are overrated. That farce and that illusion vanish after awhile, and you don't see what you thought you saw.
Lately, it seems like no one's really listening. I mean of course they say they are, but I know better than to believe that. With certain people you can tell almost immediately because they get this glazed over look in their eyes; while others… are difficult.
What does family mean to you? To me it's just a... word, because my family hurts me… emotionally… no need to call DSS... jeez. They say they don't but I won't lie. There are times when I just don't want it anymore, and there are times when I want to run and never come back (some would say that's what I'm doing by going to boarding school), but I don't because I have other responsibilities.
There's this quote I once came across that said, "All are architects of fate." I love tis quote because while, yes, I am a Christian, it gives me hope that I have control too. It means that I can control my destiny because I can choose. I have free will.
Free will. It's funny because on this forum I help moderate, we had the same topic: Do we really have free will? I said that we do, because we have the choice to obey God, or not. Then it was said that God knows all so He knows what we're going to do and if we had free will and went against Him that would mean HE was wrong, and He's never wrong. My rebuttal was that He can change His mind, and also change the path He trekked out for each of us,. Yes we have free will because even if we go against Him, He is never wrong because He reserved the right to change His mind.
One of my favorite songs is by Far-Less; It's called, "A toast to bad Taste." There's this part in it where it says, "Just like the lion and the lamb/ But only in real life./ you won't see, hunter and prey/ polluting the same space/ ooo-afraid to go/ ooo-but I can't speak for myself//" I guess we're all afraid to go because in all actuality, we're all the prey in some sense, but we're all also the hunter in a sense because we're looking for something that isn't there…. And it's: validation.
Further on in the song it's said, "you can't see the lives that we lead/ when you've lost your will to be." This is true because when you lose all meaning the only thing you CAN see is the things YOU'VE done wrong; words you never said; good deeds you left unrewarded.
What's the one thing you wish you could change?
old and creepy nursery rhymes
A man of words and not of deeds, is like a garden full ofweeds;And when the weeds begin to grow, its like a garden full of snow;And when the snow begins to fall, its like a bird upon the wall;And when the bird away does fly, its like an eagle in the sky;And when the sky begins to roar, its like a lion at your door;And when your door begins to crack, its like a stick across you back;And when your back begins to smart, its like a penknife in yourheart;And when your heart begins to bleed, your dead and dead and deadindeed.
Goodbye means nothing at all....
We learn countless lessons from our lives-more than we know. We just feed off other people’s energy. When others are happy, we’re happy. When someone weeps, we share a tissue. When someone dies we comfort those who mourn and laugh about the happy memories.
Life isn’t always as it is in the books, songs, and movies. In fact, if I didn’t know better, I’d say it was almost a parallel universe. Something made up to help us cope with such tragedy.
I guess it’s just the way the rocks fall and the waves crash against the shore. The way you feel when you see a sunset off a beach or a sunrise in the country. Never knowing what awaits you ahead.
The danger people warn you about, but you ignore. The reasons behind decisions and the mechanics of a heart untouched and still kept feebly intact.
No one ever really knows how long you have. It’s never really certain. Just the fact that nothing is set in stone scares most people. I should know. I’m one of them. And though I’m condemned to fear, no one can tell the difference.
I’m pompous, conceited, and inconsiderate at times. The only people who see this side of me though, are the ones I have a differentiated connection with.
When I’m alone, I like to sit and think about everything. From where I’ve been to where I’m going; who I’ve loved to who’s loved me. Sometimes even, I’ll stray from the happiness and tumble blindly into the dark, and think about whom I’ve lost and sad memories about funerals and last goodbyes. Farewells.
Then there are times, even in the same breath, where I contradict what I think, feel, and know.
It’s funny how life works like that. I’ve gone from eating nothing to eating everyday. Without incident of need or desire for regurgitation. I’ve gone from drinking massive amounts of coffee to drinking none.
I don’t really know very much about life situations, like boyfriend/girlfriend problems or haircuts and styles. Sure I can tell you about anything educational or sports wise, but does it really matter?
We work our butts off for twelve years to go to a fancy college, but do we really know our priorities? What I used to think was fist is now last and vice versa.
Ever since a friend of mine’s death shortly before school started, I’ve been wondering how I ever was without him. Pathetic, right? I can’t remember my life before someone I’ve only known for three years. I assume that’s what happens when you care about someone or something so much, you forget about life before it; and then after, you’re left with a broken life.
Everyone sees the change in me. Last year I was this happy-go-lucky-I-have-all-I-could-ever-want girl. Now? I’m a girl I don’t even recognize. Most days I don’t even look in the mirror anymore. I’m too afraid of what new sights I’ll see. But there are times I slip up and actually look. I see a girl who’s growing up, and is contemplating the moves she’ll make. Someone who’s stuck in a game of chess, where she’s the queen and she sends pawns, knights, and bishops out to protect her.
Funny isn’t it? One day a girl like me who can have whatever her little heart desires is happy and content, and the next she’s just lost and dishearted.
I don’t really know what told me at first, but I know now what I’d been trying so hard not to admit. I’m not who I want to be, now or ever. But at the same time I don’t want to change it.
Coming from a family, who used to go to church every Sunday, to not going at all, is hard on a person. I guess no one really ever thinks that maybe it’s just a phase or maybe they’re imagining things. I wish I knew, but unfortunately I don’t.
But I found out if you want something, take it. Don’t ask, don’t tell. In most cases that’s what has to be done. If you want love you’ll take it in any form. Whether it is a hug or a smirk. You take it as a they-like-me-enough-for-a-reaction type thing. If you want to be happy, you smile and think happy thoughts. Pretty soon they’ll sustain you and you’ll become happy.
Yet of course our lives come crumbling down when we make a mistake.
Mistakes are funny sometimes. They make you think. The biggest one I ever made was trusting a guy I though would never in a million years leave. It’s funny, a million years turned out to be one year, seventy-five days, one hour, eleven minutes and fifty-eight seconds.
It’s strange how we can keep track of time, without really thinking about it. All we have to do is remember an exact moment in time. A moment when everything was perfect, or when your whole world crumbled to ruins.
But mistakes mark out time. They make life better or worse, but we still make them. Intentionally or not; it’s completely in our own hands. So when we fail at something, it’s incredibly our own faults. No one else’s, just us.
Just the sole reason it happened in the first place. Whether we decide to take responsibility for the endless list of mistakes is up to us. Yet every time we look into the mirror we’re confronted with the truth: We are the ones to blame. It’s not our family; it’s not our friends; it’s our faults.
For trusting, loving, and taking advantage of the good things that sustain us. Of course, though, we’re not the only ones along for the ride so we have to remember, to be careful who we judge; who we hurt; and who we figuratively rip to shreds, because if we don’t, we’re the ones who internally combust from the pain that we cause ourselves.
I guess when it all comes down to it; it’s not time or love that’s the time bomb. No, really it’s us. We are the time bombs.
With every mistake we make we get more lost in a labyrinth of, “yes’s,” “no’s,” and, “I could care less”’s. And that’s the beauty of it because you never know if you’re going to win or fail or worse yet fail epically.
But when it all boils down to it, mistakes count our time. Birthdays, anniversaries, and funerals have nothing to do with anything. Because when you boil everything down you only get the mistakes and the person that caused it all. You.
And it’s funny because everyone says go to sleep. Though, for me dreaming is a concept that eludes me. We close our eyes and… dream?? That makes no sense. Oh! And another thing… we say a love lost is a love remembered. A love remembered is a hope gone. A hope gone is a tear that forms. A tear that forms is the beginning of a waterfall affect.
Nothing makes more sense to me than a color. It can mean anything you want it to be. A dream unrealized; a road less traveled; or a love that stopped caring. We say all these things, but we don’t at the same time. It confuses most people because when we leave, do we really leave a legacy, or is everything we ever worked for lost and erased?
I wrote this last night:
I lay here in the dark.
Hoping for an answer.
A reason for this feeling.
A reason for this caper.
A trip to the secret place
No one else knows.
A vision of a seaside
Where happiness is known.
A picture on a dresser
Left as a constant reminder
Of summers past
And rainy days
Of nights you’ll forever treasure.
An endless list of don’ts
Continue in their forming
A miraculous comeback
A new love that’s conjoining.
The line of things
You left unsaid
In a neat like of white
Inhaled by a space cadet type
Of an overwhelming kind.
Yet no one knows
The truth.
Who I really am
I’m a talking Rubik’s cube,
Making nothing
Holding nothing
Being nothing
That’s what I am.
No one
Really cares
No one
Fights for me
No one
Is here.
I’m alone in a studio
Nothing but me.
I reach out
To touch
The sea of empty windows
That floods the room with dim light
That’s somehow blinding me.
I’m quick to draw a picture
-Quick to draw a knife.
The words that I speak
Are nothing
But white noise
No one
Seems to care
No one
Is around.
Everyone’s too busy
With their lives
They all adore
And I’m left
Waiting on the other side
Of this white oak door.
Standing in the cold
Freezing in the threshold.
Huddling from the chill
I see a taxi coming
But then decide to walk.
I don’t feel like listening
As the friendly man talks.
I turn around the corner
Heading back home
And then I decide
To go to Central Park.
Sure it’s dark
And sure it’s snowing
But no one will ever
Think to find me there.
My apartment is
Still there
When I return
Just the way I left it
Nothing overturned.
As I check my cell
For missed calls
And cling to the hope
That is naïve and uncalled for.
I’m not too upset
When I see no one
I check my house phone
Just to be sure.
It’s just me here
In this closed up space
I realize now
No one would care
If I vanished without a trace.
There comes a time in our lives when we realize we can’t do everything on our own. We need help.
Sometimes we’re left in the dark for awhile before we finally see the reason we fell or the reason we lost.
For most it’s too high expectations. And then there are some who just lose. The losers.
But then, as if by sheer dumb luck, we focus and strive for the one thing no one expects us to go for. We run toward it like it’s the only thing other than ourselves in this world.
Tunnel vision.
Yet sometimes, it’s crazy to think there is such thing as that thing we’re too afraid to want. Because that would mean we have to trust another person, and we’re far too selfish and introverted to do that. Yes, we want to prove them wrong; and yes, we want that thing so bad; but yet, no, we don’t want to feel the pain we feel when no one recognizes us or when the person we love doesn’t love us back, or worse never loved us to begin with.
And then when the thing we want with the fire –that’s too beautiful to look or move away from, and yet is so hot it puts us up in flames –dies with the one who caused it in the first place, we crumble.
Our hearts bleed because they don’t know what else to do. We feel so alone because we were lost –or rather someplace –and no one even thought to find us.
And that is what kills us. The kiss of death. Nothing more, nothing less… just fear. Fear is our caper. Fear is the one thing that keeps us from trying and still pushes us farther than anything we ever knew. Fear is the reason for withdrawal.
What do u fear?
Life isn’t always as it is in the books, songs, and movies. In fact, if I didn’t know better, I’d say it was almost a parallel universe. Something made up to help us cope with such tragedy.
I guess it’s just the way the rocks fall and the waves crash against the shore. The way you feel when you see a sunset off a beach or a sunrise in the country. Never knowing what awaits you ahead.
The danger people warn you about, but you ignore. The reasons behind decisions and the mechanics of a heart untouched and still kept feebly intact.
No one ever really knows how long you have. It’s never really certain. Just the fact that nothing is set in stone scares most people. I should know. I’m one of them. And though I’m condemned to fear, no one can tell the difference.
I’m pompous, conceited, and inconsiderate at times. The only people who see this side of me though, are the ones I have a differentiated connection with.
When I’m alone, I like to sit and think about everything. From where I’ve been to where I’m going; who I’ve loved to who’s loved me. Sometimes even, I’ll stray from the happiness and tumble blindly into the dark, and think about whom I’ve lost and sad memories about funerals and last goodbyes. Farewells.
Then there are times, even in the same breath, where I contradict what I think, feel, and know.
It’s funny how life works like that. I’ve gone from eating nothing to eating everyday. Without incident of need or desire for regurgitation. I’ve gone from drinking massive amounts of coffee to drinking none.
I don’t really know very much about life situations, like boyfriend/girlfriend problems or haircuts and styles. Sure I can tell you about anything educational or sports wise, but does it really matter?
We work our butts off for twelve years to go to a fancy college, but do we really know our priorities? What I used to think was fist is now last and vice versa.
Ever since a friend of mine’s death shortly before school started, I’ve been wondering how I ever was without him. Pathetic, right? I can’t remember my life before someone I’ve only known for three years. I assume that’s what happens when you care about someone or something so much, you forget about life before it; and then after, you’re left with a broken life.
Everyone sees the change in me. Last year I was this happy-go-lucky-I-have-all-I-could-ever-want girl. Now? I’m a girl I don’t even recognize. Most days I don’t even look in the mirror anymore. I’m too afraid of what new sights I’ll see. But there are times I slip up and actually look. I see a girl who’s growing up, and is contemplating the moves she’ll make. Someone who’s stuck in a game of chess, where she’s the queen and she sends pawns, knights, and bishops out to protect her.
Funny isn’t it? One day a girl like me who can have whatever her little heart desires is happy and content, and the next she’s just lost and dishearted.
I don’t really know what told me at first, but I know now what I’d been trying so hard not to admit. I’m not who I want to be, now or ever. But at the same time I don’t want to change it.
Coming from a family, who used to go to church every Sunday, to not going at all, is hard on a person. I guess no one really ever thinks that maybe it’s just a phase or maybe they’re imagining things. I wish I knew, but unfortunately I don’t.
But I found out if you want something, take it. Don’t ask, don’t tell. In most cases that’s what has to be done. If you want love you’ll take it in any form. Whether it is a hug or a smirk. You take it as a they-like-me-enough-for-a-reaction type thing. If you want to be happy, you smile and think happy thoughts. Pretty soon they’ll sustain you and you’ll become happy.
Yet of course our lives come crumbling down when we make a mistake.
Mistakes are funny sometimes. They make you think. The biggest one I ever made was trusting a guy I though would never in a million years leave. It’s funny, a million years turned out to be one year, seventy-five days, one hour, eleven minutes and fifty-eight seconds.
It’s strange how we can keep track of time, without really thinking about it. All we have to do is remember an exact moment in time. A moment when everything was perfect, or when your whole world crumbled to ruins.
But mistakes mark out time. They make life better or worse, but we still make them. Intentionally or not; it’s completely in our own hands. So when we fail at something, it’s incredibly our own faults. No one else’s, just us.
Just the sole reason it happened in the first place. Whether we decide to take responsibility for the endless list of mistakes is up to us. Yet every time we look into the mirror we’re confronted with the truth: We are the ones to blame. It’s not our family; it’s not our friends; it’s our faults.
For trusting, loving, and taking advantage of the good things that sustain us. Of course, though, we’re not the only ones along for the ride so we have to remember, to be careful who we judge; who we hurt; and who we figuratively rip to shreds, because if we don’t, we’re the ones who internally combust from the pain that we cause ourselves.
I guess when it all comes down to it; it’s not time or love that’s the time bomb. No, really it’s us. We are the time bombs.
With every mistake we make we get more lost in a labyrinth of, “yes’s,” “no’s,” and, “I could care less”’s. And that’s the beauty of it because you never know if you’re going to win or fail or worse yet fail epically.
But when it all boils down to it, mistakes count our time. Birthdays, anniversaries, and funerals have nothing to do with anything. Because when you boil everything down you only get the mistakes and the person that caused it all. You.
And it’s funny because everyone says go to sleep. Though, for me dreaming is a concept that eludes me. We close our eyes and… dream?? That makes no sense. Oh! And another thing… we say a love lost is a love remembered. A love remembered is a hope gone. A hope gone is a tear that forms. A tear that forms is the beginning of a waterfall affect.
Nothing makes more sense to me than a color. It can mean anything you want it to be. A dream unrealized; a road less traveled; or a love that stopped caring. We say all these things, but we don’t at the same time. It confuses most people because when we leave, do we really leave a legacy, or is everything we ever worked for lost and erased?
I wrote this last night:
I lay here in the dark.
Hoping for an answer.
A reason for this feeling.
A reason for this caper.
A trip to the secret place
No one else knows.
A vision of a seaside
Where happiness is known.
A picture on a dresser
Left as a constant reminder
Of summers past
And rainy days
Of nights you’ll forever treasure.
An endless list of don’ts
Continue in their forming
A miraculous comeback
A new love that’s conjoining.
The line of things
You left unsaid
In a neat like of white
Inhaled by a space cadet type
Of an overwhelming kind.
Yet no one knows
The truth.
Who I really am
I’m a talking Rubik’s cube,
Making nothing
Holding nothing
Being nothing
That’s what I am.
No one
Really cares
No one
Fights for me
No one
Is here.
I’m alone in a studio
Nothing but me.
I reach out
To touch
The sea of empty windows
That floods the room with dim light
That’s somehow blinding me.
I’m quick to draw a picture
-Quick to draw a knife.
The words that I speak
Are nothing
But white noise
No one
Seems to care
No one
Is around.
Everyone’s too busy
With their lives
They all adore
And I’m left
Waiting on the other side
Of this white oak door.
Standing in the cold
Freezing in the threshold.
Huddling from the chill
I see a taxi coming
But then decide to walk.
I don’t feel like listening
As the friendly man talks.
I turn around the corner
Heading back home
And then I decide
To go to Central Park.
Sure it’s dark
And sure it’s snowing
But no one will ever
Think to find me there.
My apartment is
Still there
When I return
Just the way I left it
Nothing overturned.
As I check my cell
For missed calls
And cling to the hope
That is naïve and uncalled for.
I’m not too upset
When I see no one
I check my house phone
Just to be sure.
It’s just me here
In this closed up space
I realize now
No one would care
If I vanished without a trace.
There comes a time in our lives when we realize we can’t do everything on our own. We need help.
Sometimes we’re left in the dark for awhile before we finally see the reason we fell or the reason we lost.
For most it’s too high expectations. And then there are some who just lose. The losers.
But then, as if by sheer dumb luck, we focus and strive for the one thing no one expects us to go for. We run toward it like it’s the only thing other than ourselves in this world.
Tunnel vision.
Yet sometimes, it’s crazy to think there is such thing as that thing we’re too afraid to want. Because that would mean we have to trust another person, and we’re far too selfish and introverted to do that. Yes, we want to prove them wrong; and yes, we want that thing so bad; but yet, no, we don’t want to feel the pain we feel when no one recognizes us or when the person we love doesn’t love us back, or worse never loved us to begin with.
And then when the thing we want with the fire –that’s too beautiful to look or move away from, and yet is so hot it puts us up in flames –dies with the one who caused it in the first place, we crumble.
Our hearts bleed because they don’t know what else to do. We feel so alone because we were lost –or rather someplace –and no one even thought to find us.
And that is what kills us. The kiss of death. Nothing more, nothing less… just fear. Fear is our caper. Fear is the one thing that keeps us from trying and still pushes us farther than anything we ever knew. Fear is the reason for withdrawal.
What do u fear?
things that I've started but haven't finished
Hey party people. I think personally I am an enigma, my mind isn't but I am. It's strange when you figure it out for yourself. I do really skanky things apparently and I'm just now getting the memo.. lol it's like it got stuck in the snail mail system and no one decided to tell me. It sucks but what can you do.
Turns out there are a lot of things that suck more than sucking 2 dozen lemons on a hot day when there's no water and you can't drink anything but you're own spit because you're in the middle of the desert or just rather someplace that has people that are so rude they won't even spare a glass of water.... I need to stop before an english major or teacher stumbles across this and then red slips me for run on sentences... *sigh*
so I'm going to go off topic right now, I'm listening to Placebo and it's really depressing.. don't go there unless u want to die.. *sigh* and no tsk tsk tsk I dont want to I'm just listening to random music.. You lying trying waste of space.. lol.. whatever... LOOOOVVVEEE RADIOHEAD!!!!!
Back to the topics at hand.
I recently endured a tragic event, and I got over it b/c the person involved should be encountered byt some divers.. lol.. thanks people for your support. Anyway....
It's funny because people always say they're lost. Well really clearly you're not lost.. someone just hasn't found you. My choice of places to be found in nowadays it barcelona. It seems like the best place to go. It's mild and not sweaty gag me hot, it's beautiful and it has this rich art and architecture that is incomparable.. I love it. so then all i have to do now is find someone who wants to flee to Barcelona with nothing but a toothbrush and a passport... *sigh* yeah right, no one's as out going as I am.. psh, please....
I just realized that the majority of the situtions I get myself into involving love and such is really just love because I create it as love in the first place. I guess I didn't see the planets because I was staring at the sun... huh, that makes a lot of sense. The guy is the sun and I was too busy looking at him to get the big picture which would be the planets.. lol make sense.. no? too bad! lol
I just forgot what I was saying..... Um.... hmmmm......... i don't know what I was just saying... lol xD. Um, so.... I guess I have to go to Barcelona soon...
well seeing as how I can't remember what I was saying.... I guess I have to go.. *sigh* this sucks.. if and when I remember it, I'll post it.. lol.. okay? thanks...
L8rs ;-)
double double old ladies are trouble
So okay, here's some updates... I have a lot of thoughts going through my mind right now....
First, does everyone just want to see me get into the most ludicrous situations possible?
Sometimes I run; no clear destination, I just... go. I don't need to know where I'm going, I just need to run. It's this big release that I have that makes me feel just like a lot of girls need to shop, well I need to run. Running is my sense of release. It makes me feel good and not think about all this crap I have going on. It's freeing.
You can depend on me to tell you what you need to hear. I promise.
ambition is the most imortant thing because without it, we have nothing. The more things stay the same, the more they change.
Okay well this may have been one of the shortest posts I've had, but it's okay. I'll keep posting, but I STGTG.. xD l8rs
Do the helen Keller and talk with your hips
okay so I love this song by 3 Oh! 3 it's so AWESOME!!! I love the vid too.. those lucky few got the email and got the vid, so yeah it's epic. I love it.. okay well the part of the song that goes..
Shush girl shut your lips,Do the Hellen Keller and talk with your hips.I said, Shush girl shut your lips,Do the Hellen Keller and talk with your hips.I said, Shush girl shut your lips,Do the Hellen Keller and talk with your hips.Woah, woah, woah...She wants to touch me (Woah),She wants to love me (Woah),She'll never leave me (Woah, woah, oh, oh),Don't trust a ho,Never trust a ho,Won't trust a ho,Won't trust me
I love this song especially this part it's epic! Check it out! 3 Oh! 3 rule!
okay so yeah. time to squash some crap!!!
okay so yeah as the majority of you know, I have been blamed for a heinous crime! I am going to tell u the truth and the whole truth!!! I DIDN'T SEND THAT MESSAGE!!! ... if u don't know what I'm talking about then okay.. but if u do I DIDN'T!!!!
some people think that time counts our life, but the truth is, time doesn't do anything. Time in fact just takes up the unit of measuring that we should be doing. We should be measuring in the moments that we have because God only knows that we'll never live these moments again.
We spend our entire lives hoping for a new person who can explain or connect with us the way that we want to be explained to or connected with and it hurts when someone doesn't because you only ever really wanted that more than anything in your life b/c of the simple fact that we are who we are, and no one can change us.. that is unless we find that person who we wanted.
And if life is as great as they all say, the person will want us back.
But life isn't always like that. No one wants you when you want them. It's just how it goes. We get blinded by what we think is the truth, but it turns out that we can't just turn around and make them see it, but we're falling. I don't really get why people lurk in the darkness that is their hearts, but hey whatever floats your boat I guess.
Now we turn to the way people act. I guess people really don't know what they want, because one minute their on the phone laughing and the next they're in the middle of a fit of yelling at their parents because they don't understand. It seems like we all just need to get away from the "life" we have because honestly, it can very well just become our C.O.D (cause of death).
Yeah I know this isn't sounding like it normally does, but bare with me. I'm trying to get some stuff out there.
I mean seriously, there really isn't sympathy for anyone no matter how well they camouflage it. You could try to do it, but I mean honestly how well are you really gonna hide the fact that you are the one who caused the downfall?
With so many people around here, who really knows what's going on? I mean there are people here who don't really know how to access the chromosome within their being that enables them to think about what they really are and who they want to be.
Its funny how we are just here. Ya know? I mean honestly, it's just the fact that we are everyone who just keeps facing the day even though we're the only ones who strap ourselves down and tuck ourselves in at night because no one's there to do it for us.
I mean there isn't really a bigger hell than what is living this life full of conviving little people who just want you to fail. I mean seriously who does that?
whatever, I guess people are stuck with their hell and the fact that they have to live with and crap like that. Whatever, their stuck and they don't even notice it.
Weird huh? how someone like me can notice that and not even bat an eyelash, but yet people spend their whole lives trying to figure that out. *giggle* it's a gift I guess. Whatever.
Hey Peeps!!
Okay so I started a new blog and if u get the chance read it.. It's called thirteen reasons why. Um yeah.. let me know what you think. Send me a message on facebook, and I'll get back to you...
Oh yeah I should be getting a new phone this week, and if you want the number just send me an email and depending on who you are.. I'll give you it.. xD
Oh yeah I should be getting a new phone this week, and if you want the number just send me an email and depending on who you are.. I'll give you it.. xD
Interims!!!!!! And I Just violated myself again!!!
AHHHHHHHHH!!!! lol, jk.
So like most of you guys, I have just recieved my interim reports. For those who don't know, these are basically academic progress reports.. ya know the once you dread?
well it's all good for me, and I will rub it in your faces!!! lol, I HAVE STRAIGHT A'S!!!!! lol It's soooooooooooooooooooo awesome!!! I love it!
UGH! project tomorrow, but there is one thing that was bugging me... where was Parker Martin for so long? secret hook ups? random cold? senioritis... ? lol he's a freshman.. so that's not possible!!!
OMG!!! I loovve sr. ditch day.. idk when it is this year, I think it's like April 20th or something.. w/e.. It is a day when all is possible for us lowly students who aren't sr.'s... BUUUUT an up side is that we-said-lowly-non-seniors have more room to move in the halls... YAY!!!! lol
GTG.. l8r H8rs :D
So like most of you guys, I have just recieved my interim reports. For those who don't know, these are basically academic progress reports.. ya know the once you dread?
well it's all good for me, and I will rub it in your faces!!! lol, I HAVE STRAIGHT A'S!!!!! lol It's soooooooooooooooooooo awesome!!! I love it!
UGH! project tomorrow, but there is one thing that was bugging me... where was Parker Martin for so long? secret hook ups? random cold? senioritis... ? lol he's a freshman.. so that's not possible!!!
OMG!!! I loovve sr. ditch day.. idk when it is this year, I think it's like April 20th or something.. w/e.. It is a day when all is possible for us lowly students who aren't sr.'s... BUUUUT an up side is that we-said-lowly-non-seniors have more room to move in the halls... YAY!!!! lol
GTG.. l8r H8rs :D
Hey peeps...
Hey guys... I have some new music... well new to me. If you like screamo, check out Bullet for my valentine ( )
There's this really AWESOME song, it's called situations.. it's by Escape the fate! I love it...( Say anything is like in my opinion one of the best bands of this time.. lol Love them!( Um, if you guys on facebook have any suggestions, or comments on anything, just post a comment on my blog and I'll get back to you...
In case you haven't noticed... I haven't been on facebook much lately, I basically message people back and poke them, and that's about it.. lol. sorry about it, I'm just kinda busy right now.
STGTG... lol, l8uh Losuah! (i.e later losers!)
There's this really AWESOME song, it's called situations.. it's by Escape the fate! I love it...( Say anything is like in my opinion one of the best bands of this time.. lol Love them!( Um, if you guys on facebook have any suggestions, or comments on anything, just post a comment on my blog and I'll get back to you...
In case you haven't noticed... I haven't been on facebook much lately, I basically message people back and poke them, and that's about it.. lol. sorry about it, I'm just kinda busy right now.
STGTG... lol, l8uh Losuah! (i.e later losers!)
not on fb
attention, I will not be on fb for the time being and will probably not b on. If you want to talk to me or gt bored and want some randomness. just text me or email me. Their on my page and u have my number!
Okay if you guys read this on this day, Friday, August 15, 2008 I am not on facebook! Not today at least. I have parental locks put on. Ugh. :roll: So if I don't get back to you ( Manderz, Lauryl, Richard, Niki, Rosa, Jeffrey, and others) I'll get back to you soon, sometime this weekend! Promise!!
Okay, so have you ever got a text message, that is like so far out, that you don't really know what to say? I have. It's very common!
Okay! I STGTG!!!!
Okay, so have you ever got a text message, that is like so far out, that you don't really know what to say? I have. It's very common!
Okay! I STGTG!!!!
txting in sleep again... again
okay so, this morning I was woken up at 1:45 am by a text message!
It was so funny. I didn't get back to sleep until like... 3:45 am.. lol HILARIOUS!!!
l8uh losuhs!!!
It was so funny. I didn't get back to sleep until like... 3:45 am.. lol HILARIOUS!!!
l8uh losuhs!!!
Texting in my sleep.. again
Ok so this is like a phenomenon! I can actually text in my sleep. I mean if I'm 3/4 of the way asleep, I can still comprehend enough to text in my sleep. I mean seriously It' awesome!!!
I guess, a lot of people can sense when they get a message, but with me, if I'm asleep I know when I get a message. It's really cool! I got a text last night and then in my dream, I dreamt I got a message. So it was like really cool. I mean I got a text from K, but in my sleep I got a call from that dude from youtube, fred. He's awesome!!! Lol
L8r Losers!!! x_x
I guess, a lot of people can sense when they get a message, but with me, if I'm asleep I know when I get a message. It's really cool! I got a text last night and then in my dream, I dreamt I got a message. So it was like really cool. I mean I got a text from K, but in my sleep I got a call from that dude from youtube, fred. He's awesome!!! Lol
L8r Losers!!! x_x
scary events
OK so there are a lot of them... sike there are like two or three
First, yesterday when I was out for a walk w/ my brother, I was crossing the street, and I SO wasn't paying attention. I stepped on a dead squirrel!!!! x_x It was so disgusting. If you guys are "lucky" I'll post a pic, but there were two of them. EWW EWW EWW EWW EWW!!!
Second, Apparently the Olympics are a big deal! DUH!! It's the OLYMPICS! But I am a fan of like two or four events, lol! OK so they are as follows: Swimming, Diving, fencing, and track and field.... okay five, GYMNASTICS!!! Michael Phelps is HOT!!!!
Third, there is like a Team USA diver named Ariel, which is like a coincidence apparently b/c my name's Ariel, and I am a diver. WOW!!! FREAKY RIGHT?!
OK, so you guys don't get confused.. I have a lot of names... Here's my list:
1. Jade 2. Ice Queen 3. Cheetah 4. Rah-Rah 5. Ariel 6. Ally 7.Ellie 8. Heartbreaker
There are more, but I don't really like them that much! xD:
lol! I STGTG! Peace, love, and music! Down with chocolate, up with music!!!!! Jade out!
I'm still alive
Okay, I'm back. I realize I haven't posted in a while. Let me get you, no one in particular, caught up.
1. I am reading THE BIBLE!!!! YAY
2. Have a HUGE reading list
3. Have various bruises, and scars
Yeah, that about does it. I STGTG, I am ST tired. *Yawn* Bye
1. I am reading THE BIBLE!!!! YAY
2. Have a HUGE reading list
3. Have various bruises, and scars
Yeah, that about does it. I STGTG, I am ST tired. *Yawn* Bye
I'm Baaaack!
Just kidding.
Ok so I am no a HUGE Mat Kearney fan. He rocks. I love his music. It's awesome! Check him out:
Okay so here's the thing, I love to talk and I love to type/ write. I started writing songs in the fifth grade, and so.... yeah I have gotten really good. But I'm thinking about starting my own band. I was going to go with the name Kiss My Sass, but then I realized a lot of parents wouldn't let their children listen to us, so I think I'll go with either the name All I've Been, or Con Amore. But I have a long list of names for the band. It was initially going to be The Ivy Leaguers, but I thought it'd be cutting it too close to This is Ivy League, and since I've never liked their music, I guess I didn't want to cut it too close to them. But yeah....
any feedback can be sent to my email, it's on my profile. So please and thank you!
Ok so I am no a HUGE Mat Kearney fan. He rocks. I love his music. It's awesome! Check him out:
Okay so here's the thing, I love to talk and I love to type/ write. I started writing songs in the fifth grade, and so.... yeah I have gotten really good. But I'm thinking about starting my own band. I was going to go with the name Kiss My Sass, but then I realized a lot of parents wouldn't let their children listen to us, so I think I'll go with either the name All I've Been, or Con Amore. But I have a long list of names for the band. It was initially going to be The Ivy Leaguers, but I thought it'd be cutting it too close to This is Ivy League, and since I've never liked their music, I guess I didn't want to cut it too close to them. But yeah....
any feedback can be sent to my email, it's on my profile. So please and thank you!
okay then Book list
Indy 4
Ok so Indiana Jones 4 : The Curse of the Silver Skull is awesome in comparison to other movies. But I am still to this day freaked out by the HUGE ants. Tori this is not your fault it's mine!! K you're not helping, what if the ants decide to slowly but surely move up until they get to where I live?!?!?!?!?
I GTG! whoop-de-doo!!! Duh-nana- duh-nanana-duh-nanana Gotta Go! DOWN WITH CHOCOLATE, UP WITH MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I GTG! whoop-de-doo!!! Duh-nana- duh-nanana-duh-nanana Gotta Go! DOWN WITH CHOCOLATE, UP WITH MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trip to... Ta-dah
OK so I just recently returned from a trip to New Zealand a few days ago. Why did I go? Well, it's simple, if someone recomme
nds a place to visit, I go! Im a good girl! LOL!
So let me just say it's B-E-A-UTIFUL. I loved it, if you haven't been I HIGHLY recommend it! Other than the trip to Seattle where I witnessed an unfortunate sight, and this trip, I have be BORED!!!!
What is it about summer that makes me so bored?!!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!
A lot of my readers are either really bored, or want more. So I'm like whatever.... FREAKS!!!
I am possibly one of the HUGEST JESUS FREAKS there is!!! I love Jesus, He is sooo incredibly awesome! I mean he turned water to wine, made the blind see, and rose from the dead! How many people do you know can do that?!?! I LOVE JESUS!!!!!
Well! I SO TOTALLY HAVE TO GO (STGTG) but I'll BE BACK!! doo-doo-do-do (That was the TWILIGHT ZONE theme) Sike!!!!!!!! LOL that acronym is so old!! ROTFL of MML or LSH (laughing so hard) would work here, I guess!
Remember: DOWN WITH CHOCOLATE, UP WITH MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
whoop-de-doo! or duh-nanana- duh-nanana-duh-nanana BATMAN!!!! I am SUCH a FREAK!!!!!!! LOL!
L8R! FREAKS or to quote my History Teacher, "Later, Weasles!!!"
So let me just say it's B-E-A-UTIFUL. I loved it, if you haven't been I HIGHLY recommend it! Other than the trip to Seattle where I witnessed an unfortunate sight, and this trip, I have be BORED!!!!
What is it about summer that makes me so bored?!!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!
A lot of my readers are either really bored, or want more. So I'm like whatever.... FREAKS!!!
I am possibly one of the HUGEST JESUS FREAKS there is!!! I love Jesus, He is sooo incredibly awesome! I mean he turned water to wine, made the blind see, and rose from the dead! How many people do you know can do that?!?! I LOVE JESUS!!!!!
Well! I SO TOTALLY HAVE TO GO (STGTG) but I'll BE BACK!! doo-doo-do-do (That was the TWILIGHT ZONE theme) Sike!!!!!!!! LOL that acronym is so old!! ROTFL of MML or LSH (laughing so hard) would work here, I guess!
Remember: DOWN WITH CHOCOLATE, UP WITH MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
whoop-de-doo! or duh-nanana- duh-nanana-duh-nanana BATMAN!!!! I am SUCH a FREAK!!!!!!! LOL!
L8R! FREAKS or to quote my History Teacher, "Later, Weasles!!!"
Back to Basics(No I'm not Christina Aguilera!!! FREAKS)
OK so I know there hasn't been a lot of heart-to-heart lately. OK so here we go.
When I was five my parents split. I didn't think too much of it until a few years later. I realized my mom left him b/c he was abusive. This was startling to me b/c I could only think of one time he'd ever hit me and that was when I was three b/c I couldn't spell my name... Seriously what three year old kid who's only concerned with playing in the dirt actually takes the time to spell out her name in it?!!
We moved from North Carolina, although many think I was actually born and raised in the north b/c there's no accent, when I was five, to Kentucky. Then we moved to Enola, Pa. Following which, we moved to Carlisle, Pa and then preceded to move to Mechanicsburg, Pa. From there we moved to a town near Plainfield, Pa and then back to North Carolina. While our continuing stay in NC, we have moved a total of four times in the past 10 months.
All right, so while we lived in that town near Plainfield, I honestly can say I had never thought of my father, partially b/c he had stopped our camping trips and so I didn't really care. So when he came to visit, my mother's request not mine, I put a hoodie over my head so I wouldn't have to look at him. YES I DO HATE MY FATHER THAT MUCH!!!!! lol.
Then when I was in third grade in that same town, I wasn't liked very much, so I threatened to kill myself, and seriously this is why you should keep children away from the media!!! To this day I don't think anyone except for my one teacher, my bff at the time Alanna K. and the principal who I think has since resigned, knows about it. So...
Following that event I stopped eating and seriously it is a lot easier said than done, b/c you have to convince yourself that you're not hungry and then keep your mind off it until you forget about it completely, which is why I turned to art and sports. During those five years of that, I dropped A LOT of weight, so it's like I was a size 2 at winter that year and a size 0 basically at the summer the next. So then my mom made me go to the doctor and I was all like," Whatever, there's nothing wrong. I'm in control." Which I SO was not. Then they put me on an eating plan so instead of dieting I was like.... eating. And I had to like shove food down my throat and then if it came back up then it was all like, you have have shove more down. Then by the eighth grade I had met some new people who in their own way helped me stop the whole anorexia/bulimia thing and I am truly grateful for them, they know who they are. So anyway the summer after eighth grade, I was up to a size 9 pants and a size juniors medium shirt. so I filled out, lol. Anyway I still to this day have problems with body image, and THAT I don't like, but those people are still in my life so I'm going to be okay.
Whenever I feel like I'm heading down that road again, I call my friends and let them know and they pull me off of the tightrope, so to speak, and we just talk about random things. You can probably tell I'm one of the MOST random people on the face of the planet.
BTW, if anyone asks you what you are, say you're yin in. IDK what that means but I guess it's some kind of synonym for human. Hey if anyone asks you what language you speak, say English, don't say American b/c that's just confusing. Shout out to Tori's bro Aaron(I think that's how you spell his name...)
Anyhow this is SO random, why are there never any hot guys at the library. Yeah leave it to me to be SO incredibly bored that I spend my summer at the library, lol. K I am SO bored, Help me!!! Please! If you read this and I don't answer my phone, I was mutilated by the Boredom monster!
When I was five my parents split. I didn't think too much of it until a few years later. I realized my mom left him b/c he was abusive. This was startling to me b/c I could only think of one time he'd ever hit me and that was when I was three b/c I couldn't spell my name... Seriously what three year old kid who's only concerned with playing in the dirt actually takes the time to spell out her name in it?!!
We moved from North Carolina, although many think I was actually born and raised in the north b/c there's no accent, when I was five, to Kentucky. Then we moved to Enola, Pa. Following which, we moved to Carlisle, Pa and then preceded to move to Mechanicsburg, Pa. From there we moved to a town near Plainfield, Pa and then back to North Carolina. While our continuing stay in NC, we have moved a total of four times in the past 10 months.
All right, so while we lived in that town near Plainfield, I honestly can say I had never thought of my father, partially b/c he had stopped our camping trips and so I didn't really care. So when he came to visit, my mother's request not mine, I put a hoodie over my head so I wouldn't have to look at him. YES I DO HATE MY FATHER THAT MUCH!!!!! lol.
Then when I was in third grade in that same town, I wasn't liked very much, so I threatened to kill myself, and seriously this is why you should keep children away from the media!!! To this day I don't think anyone except for my one teacher, my bff at the time Alanna K. and the principal who I think has since resigned, knows about it. So...
Following that event I stopped eating and seriously it is a lot easier said than done, b/c you have to convince yourself that you're not hungry and then keep your mind off it until you forget about it completely, which is why I turned to art and sports. During those five years of that, I dropped A LOT of weight, so it's like I was a size 2 at winter that year and a size 0 basically at the summer the next. So then my mom made me go to the doctor and I was all like," Whatever, there's nothing wrong. I'm in control." Which I SO was not. Then they put me on an eating plan so instead of dieting I was like.... eating. And I had to like shove food down my throat and then if it came back up then it was all like, you have have shove more down. Then by the eighth grade I had met some new people who in their own way helped me stop the whole anorexia/bulimia thing and I am truly grateful for them, they know who they are. So anyway the summer after eighth grade, I was up to a size 9 pants and a size juniors medium shirt. so I filled out, lol. Anyway I still to this day have problems with body image, and THAT I don't like, but those people are still in my life so I'm going to be okay.
Whenever I feel like I'm heading down that road again, I call my friends and let them know and they pull me off of the tightrope, so to speak, and we just talk about random things. You can probably tell I'm one of the MOST random people on the face of the planet.
BTW, if anyone asks you what you are, say you're yin in. IDK what that means but I guess it's some kind of synonym for human. Hey if anyone asks you what language you speak, say English, don't say American b/c that's just confusing. Shout out to Tori's bro Aaron(I think that's how you spell his name...)
Anyhow this is SO random, why are there never any hot guys at the library. Yeah leave it to me to be SO incredibly bored that I spend my summer at the library, lol. K I am SO bored, Help me!!! Please! If you read this and I don't answer my phone, I was mutilated by the Boredom monster!
Fellow buds/ readers. I have good news, better news, and uh huh news. lol
Good! 1. Teddy Geiger's CD is in the works but he needs our help. head to : and help him decide which songs to put on his upcoming album The March.
Better 2. I'm still smart, though I act like an airhead!!!! LOL
uh-huh 3. Teddy Geiger's CD is coming out this summer.
If you don't know who Teddy Geiger is here's a quick profile and a few links. Check him out, unless you're a guy, then just listen to him, lol
Name: John Theodore Geiger (Teddy Geiger) II
Age: 19 almost 20 Birthplace: Pittsford, NY
B-day: Sept. 16, 1988
official site:
Good! 1. Teddy Geiger's CD is in the works but he needs our help. head to : and help him decide which songs to put on his upcoming album The March.
Better 2. I'm still smart, though I act like an airhead!!!! LOL
uh-huh 3. Teddy Geiger's CD is coming out this summer.
If you don't know who Teddy Geiger is here's a quick profile and a few links. Check him out, unless you're a guy, then just listen to him, lol
Name: John Theodore Geiger (Teddy Geiger) II
Age: 19 almost 20 Birthplace: Pittsford, NY
B-day: Sept. 16, 1988
official site:
The Raving Rambling Raconteur
Hey guys!!! If you haven't heard of Metro Station, you seriously haven't been keeping up to date. GO BUY THEIR CD!!!!!!!
Trace Cyrus is SO HOT! Mason Musso is also HOT, but not in a TRACE-IS-HOT type way.
The other two, Blake and Anthony, Idk. You tell me...
Go Buy Their CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MUSIC!!!!!!! vs. Chocolate
It's SUCH a hard one.... DOWN WITH CHOCOLATE, UP WITH MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whoop-dee-doo! (is that like my catch-phrase or something?!?! we have GOT to change that!
Trace Cyrus is SO HOT! Mason Musso is also HOT, but not in a TRACE-IS-HOT type way.
The other two, Blake and Anthony, Idk. You tell me...
Go Buy Their CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MUSIC!!!!!!! vs. Chocolate
It's SUCH a hard one.... DOWN WITH CHOCOLATE, UP WITH MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whoop-dee-doo! (is that like my catch-phrase or something?!?! we have GOT to change that!
I'm here again peeps
Hey I know I'm posting more than I'm "required" but hey there's a lot to talk about. I mean from fashion to guys to who's more inappropriate? There isn't a lot I can't talk about. EMAIL ME THE ANSWERS!!!!! FREAKS!!!!!!!!!!!
These are questions for guys and girls:
Replies please send to my email. It's on my profile.
1. Why do guys always say one thing and mean another?
2. Why do guys say they're busy and you know their doing something with your best friend?
3. What is the one sure fire way to know you're in love?
4. How is it even possible to be in love?
5. Is it me or is like every guy like trying for something more than I'm willing to give?
6. Are all guys jerks or just the ones I know?
7. Where do you find a non-jerk guy anyway?
8. How many questions am I going to ask no one in particular?
9. Am I going to get any answers?
10. What do guys really want when they say they want you, and all of you? Does that include the bad things to?
Now guys here are some question's I've got to ask:
1. Why do you think us, girls play hard to get?
2. What would you say/do if you found your gf w/ your best friend?
3. Would you ever dream of doing anything illegal? If so, what?
4. How many games are there to play with a girl's brain? What are they? (for future reference, I like to know when my mind is being messed with, lol)
5. Have you ever cheated on a gf? ( I won't tell)
6. Is there some kind of unwritten male code that you guys follow? What're the rules?
7.What would you do if you saw a girl texting another guy on a date?
8. On a scale of 1-10 how nosy do you think you are?
9. What are the requirements in a relationship?
10. What guidelines do you follow in a relationship? Are there any?
11. What does it mean when a guy says they'll call and never does when he says he will? Is it like a 5 mins for you= 20 mins for me? What do you do with the time?..... Do I want to know?
I guess it's pretty obvious, this blog went from a troubled girl's way of copeing with her family drama, to a travel blog, to a music blog, to a college blog, to a dating blog all in a matter of days. Funny huh?
Well, I guess what they say is right, there's no better cure for the common stupid than a little juice. So for the latest juice hit it is guaranteed to statisfy any and every need or starvation, for gossip around almost all the college campus' in the US? oh well it's just not that important, it's a gossip site that's all that matters.
OMG!!!!!!! Total achievement I soooooo broke my soft spokenness, on paper anyway. Seriously if there's like a crowded room, I will be like the most quiet person in it.
Hmmmm.... who's been to Raleigh? The downtown scene is like the weirdest place. Like you get off the bus at Moore Square and turn the corner, and you see like 2 or 3 pubs next to each other. Seriously, there's Tour na nog and The Pour House like next to each other! I sooooooo don't drink but that's just creepy. Then you have to walk like 3 blocks to get from one museum to another, yes I am the type of person who's concerned w/ museums not banks b/c I know how much money is in my bank account LOL!!! I'm not all that concerned with how far apart the malls or shops or stores or whatever you want to call them are. Also do you know how many recording studios we have here?!?!?!? I don't either, lol. But I can name a few: Osceola, Volume 11, Post Pro Inc, Soundtrax Inc, and Top Sound. I guess it's probably b/c there's a college campus close if not on the site.
OK some last questions:
Would you date a college student, whether you're near or across an ocean? What are the guidelines? Why?
OK I TGTG. I'll be back though, I promise!! Whoop-de-doo!!! DOWN WITH CHOCOLATE, UP WITH MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey I know I'm posting more than I'm "required" but hey there's a lot to talk about. I mean from fashion to guys to who's more inappropriate? There isn't a lot I can't talk about. EMAIL ME THE ANSWERS!!!!! FREAKS!!!!!!!!!!!
These are questions for guys and girls:
Replies please send to my email. It's on my profile.
1. Why do guys always say one thing and mean another?
2. Why do guys say they're busy and you know their doing something with your best friend?
3. What is the one sure fire way to know you're in love?
4. How is it even possible to be in love?
5. Is it me or is like every guy like trying for something more than I'm willing to give?
6. Are all guys jerks or just the ones I know?
7. Where do you find a non-jerk guy anyway?
8. How many questions am I going to ask no one in particular?
9. Am I going to get any answers?
10. What do guys really want when they say they want you, and all of you? Does that include the bad things to?
Now guys here are some question's I've got to ask:
1. Why do you think us, girls play hard to get?
2. What would you say/do if you found your gf w/ your best friend?
3. Would you ever dream of doing anything illegal? If so, what?
4. How many games are there to play with a girl's brain? What are they? (for future reference, I like to know when my mind is being messed with, lol)
5. Have you ever cheated on a gf? ( I won't tell)
6. Is there some kind of unwritten male code that you guys follow? What're the rules?
7.What would you do if you saw a girl texting another guy on a date?
8. On a scale of 1-10 how nosy do you think you are?
9. What are the requirements in a relationship?
10. What guidelines do you follow in a relationship? Are there any?
11. What does it mean when a guy says they'll call and never does when he says he will? Is it like a 5 mins for you= 20 mins for me? What do you do with the time?..... Do I want to know?
I guess it's pretty obvious, this blog went from a troubled girl's way of copeing with her family drama, to a travel blog, to a music blog, to a college blog, to a dating blog all in a matter of days. Funny huh?
Well, I guess what they say is right, there's no better cure for the common stupid than a little juice. So for the latest juice hit it is guaranteed to statisfy any and every need or starvation, for gossip around almost all the college campus' in the US? oh well it's just not that important, it's a gossip site that's all that matters.
OMG!!!!!!! Total achievement I soooooo broke my soft spokenness, on paper anyway. Seriously if there's like a crowded room, I will be like the most quiet person in it.
Hmmmm.... who's been to Raleigh? The downtown scene is like the weirdest place. Like you get off the bus at Moore Square and turn the corner, and you see like 2 or 3 pubs next to each other. Seriously, there's Tour na nog and The Pour House like next to each other! I sooooooo don't drink but that's just creepy. Then you have to walk like 3 blocks to get from one museum to another, yes I am the type of person who's concerned w/ museums not banks b/c I know how much money is in my bank account LOL!!! I'm not all that concerned with how far apart the malls or shops or stores or whatever you want to call them are. Also do you know how many recording studios we have here?!?!?!? I don't either, lol. But I can name a few: Osceola, Volume 11, Post Pro Inc, Soundtrax Inc, and Top Sound. I guess it's probably b/c there's a college campus close if not on the site.
OK some last questions:
Would you date a college student, whether you're near or across an ocean? What are the guidelines? Why?
OK I TGTG. I'll be back though, I promise!! Whoop-de-doo!!! DOWN WITH CHOCOLATE, UP WITH MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alright I know a lot of readers have heard of the band Metro Station. But if you haven't their this disco-meets-new-wave-club-hopping-or-driving-down-the-road-with-the-top-down-rebellion-we-don't-care-what-adults-say-type of music and are totally sex related but it's still a great band to listen to. Anyway, the lead singer is Mitchell Musso's brother Mason, and the other singer is Miley Cyrus' brother Trace.
You HAVE to listen to them. Here's the links ( or )

Their Awesome. If you like them you'll like
1. Play! Radio Play or
2. cartel
3. Shiny Toy Guns
If anyone's heard of the band This Is Ivy League I'm in need of some feedback.
Toodles! Whoop-de-doo!!!! DOWN WITH CHOCOLATE UP WITH MUSIC!!!!!!!
You HAVE to listen to them. Here's the links ( or )
Their Awesome. If you like them you'll like
1. Play! Radio Play or
2. cartel
3. Shiny Toy Guns
If anyone's heard of the band This Is Ivy League I'm in need of some feedback.
Toodles! Whoop-de-doo!!!! DOWN WITH CHOCOLATE UP WITH MUSIC!!!!!!!
College Search
Hey Guys, knowing that everyone that's in high school or heading to high school is in search of a college, I did some research to help you pay for college. Other than here are some others:
Websites to help choose an occupation/ Other:
Occupational Outlook Handbook
Guidance Center News – go to Guidance Center
ACT Test Dates –
SAT Test Dates –
Common application for most TX. colleges –
Important financial aid assistant –
Good Luck! Whoop-de-doo!!!!
Websites to help choose an occupation/ Other:
Occupational Outlook Handbook
Guidance Center News – go to Guidance Center
ACT Test Dates –
SAT Test Dates –
Common application for most TX. colleges –
Important financial aid assistant –
Good Luck! Whoop-de-doo!!!!
I was recently in Seattle, and it was beautiful. OK so how many ppl have gone to visit a cousin who has a boyfriend/girlfriend? Well my cousin, and his girlfriend were celebrating something and I had no idea what their celebrating included. So I was going to Seattle to check on things, but then I heard movement in the house. Naturally, b/c I'm sooooo incredibly noisy, I walk in and go toward the noise. My cousin and his girlfriend are engaged in a certain activity and I think I should say: NEVER walk into a room where you hear banging of anything. I think I'm scarred.
But That's not going to bruise my ego for long.
But That's not going to bruise my ego for long.
Raleigh NC local bands
Everyone says music is the next best thing when compared to chocolate. I say music is the BEST thing; forget about chocolate. Most of it's just fattening and gives you a sick feeling when you eat too much.
Here's a list of the best bands and artists in the Raleigh/Durham area:
1. Hammer No More The Fingers (
2. I Was Totally Destroying It (
3. The Pressure Boys ( )
4. Young Neil & The Damage Done ( )
5.The Complaints ( )
6. Ben Folds Five ( )
7. Annuals ( )
8. The Old Ceremony ( )
9. Greyhouse ( )
10. Sold ( or
If you don't agree send suggestions and if you do Whoop-de-doo!
Here's a list of the best bands and artists in the Raleigh/Durham area:
1. Hammer No More The Fingers (
2. I Was Totally Destroying It (
3. The Pressure Boys ( )
4. Young Neil & The Damage Done ( )
5.The Complaints ( )
6. Ben Folds Five ( )
7. Annuals ( )
8. The Old Ceremony ( )
9. Greyhouse ( )
10. Sold ( or
If you don't agree send suggestions and if you do Whoop-de-doo!
Hey I'm here
I know a lot of ppl don't know me and after this is done you won't be able to say that. I'm a teen girl and that alone should say a lot. I have a pretty hectic life with sports practice starting up in the fall, and my family it's just going to be harder.
You see my family isn't the best but it may not be the worst but...
I'm probably one of the most random ppl you'll ever read about, but it's all good. I have a lot of friends, and still feel alone unless I'm talking to one of my friends who's name will be withheld for his/her protection. I do have a lot of things going on, I travel a lot and if something goes wrong on a trip or during anything, I make myself forget about it.
I was always told that I was beautiful and during my early years I didn't believe it because I was an early bloomer and was ahead of eveyone else. So in like the third grade I was taller than most of the boys and I was developed. But then when I hit middle school, I developed an eating disorder. I would eat and then throw up or not eat for weeks on end sometimes longer. I think I got over it sometime during the summer between middle school and high school.
I got in touch with a guy through a college thing and I was sure I didn't want to go back down that dark road of throwing up and starving myself and being in and out of the hospital. This guy made me see what rotten luck.
Anyway this guy convinced me to be crazy awesome amazing at everything and he really had a impact on my life and I am truely grateful. Without talking to him after leaving my last boyfriend who was a jerk, I would have went down that same road but he convinced me to stay away from guys with that name and any derision of it. I don't mean to freak anyone out but if it weren't for my friends, I probably would be forced into a downward spiral and be put into the hospital being fed through tubes or lying in a heap on the bathroom floor a pile of skin and bones. So I am grateful to ALL my friends not just that one person.
Whoop-de-doo!!! Down with Chocolate UP with MUSIC!!!!
You see my family isn't the best but it may not be the worst but...
I'm probably one of the most random ppl you'll ever read about, but it's all good. I have a lot of friends, and still feel alone unless I'm talking to one of my friends who's name will be withheld for his/her protection. I do have a lot of things going on, I travel a lot and if something goes wrong on a trip or during anything, I make myself forget about it.
I was always told that I was beautiful and during my early years I didn't believe it because I was an early bloomer and was ahead of eveyone else. So in like the third grade I was taller than most of the boys and I was developed. But then when I hit middle school, I developed an eating disorder. I would eat and then throw up or not eat for weeks on end sometimes longer. I think I got over it sometime during the summer between middle school and high school.
I got in touch with a guy through a college thing and I was sure I didn't want to go back down that dark road of throwing up and starving myself and being in and out of the hospital. This guy made me see what rotten luck.
Anyway this guy convinced me to be crazy awesome amazing at everything and he really had a impact on my life and I am truely grateful. Without talking to him after leaving my last boyfriend who was a jerk, I would have went down that same road but he convinced me to stay away from guys with that name and any derision of it. I don't mean to freak anyone out but if it weren't for my friends, I probably would be forced into a downward spiral and be put into the hospital being fed through tubes or lying in a heap on the bathroom floor a pile of skin and bones. So I am grateful to ALL my friends not just that one person.
Whoop-de-doo!!! Down with Chocolate UP with MUSIC!!!!
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Don't be like most ppl who read this, JUDGEMENTAL, be open-minded!!!! Otherwise you won't get it completely! Sorry I'm just brilliant and misunderstood at the same time! My friends get it too.