
things that I've started but haven't finished

Hey party people. I think personally I am an enigma, my mind isn't but I am. It's strange when you figure it out for yourself. I do really skanky things apparently and I'm just now getting the memo.. lol it's like it got stuck in the snail mail system and no one decided to tell me. It sucks but what can you do.

Turns out there are a lot of things that suck more than sucking 2 dozen lemons on a hot day when there's no water and you can't drink anything but you're own spit because you're in the middle of the desert or just rather someplace that has people that are so rude they won't even spare a glass of water.... I need to stop before an english major or teacher stumbles across this and then red slips me for run on sentences... *sigh*

so I'm going to go off topic right now, I'm listening to Placebo and it's really depressing.. don't go there unless u want to die.. *sigh* and no tsk tsk tsk I dont want to I'm just listening to random music.. You lying trying waste of space.. lol.. whatever... LOOOOVVVEEE RADIOHEAD!!!!!

Back to the topics at hand.

I recently endured a tragic event, and I got over it b/c the person involved should be encountered byt some divers.. lol.. thanks people for your support. Anyway....

It's funny because people always say they're lost. Well really clearly you're not lost.. someone just hasn't found you. My choice of places to be found in nowadays it barcelona. It seems like the best place to go. It's mild and not sweaty gag me hot, it's beautiful and it has this rich art and architecture that is incomparable.. I love it. so then all i have to do now is find someone who wants to flee to Barcelona with nothing but a toothbrush and a passport... *sigh* yeah right, no one's as out going as I am.. psh, please....

I just realized that the majority of the situtions I get myself into involving love and such is really just love because I create it as love in the first place. I guess I didn't see the planets because I was staring at the sun... huh, that makes a lot of sense. The guy is the sun and I was too busy looking at him to get the big picture which would be the planets.. lol make sense.. no? too bad! lol

I just forgot what I was saying..... Um.... hmmmm......... i don't know what I was just saying... lol xD. Um, so.... I guess I have to go to Barcelona soon...

well seeing as how I can't remember what I was saying.... I guess I have to go.. *sigh* this sucks.. if and when I remember it, I'll post it.. lol.. okay? thanks...

L8rs ;-)

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Don't be like most ppl who read this, JUDGEMENTAL, be open-minded!!!! Otherwise you won't get it completely! Sorry I'm just brilliant and misunderstood at the same time! My friends get it too.