
End of the Semester

So I just took my VOCATs exam; I think I did pretty good. I'm sitting here with a gummy worm in my mouth passing the time til 10:30 I doubt I will type that long but I guess I might as well, right?

So I'm sitting here listening to this girl next to me hum to herself and the guys in our class are playing some stupid game and I wonder if I will miss these people. The ones I have spent the last hundred days or so.... Yeah, I seriously doubt it.. Jenna's sitting over there laughing and joking and just out right freaking me out because she's talking to herself... Anders is sitting in the computer in front of me acting like a freshmen and Nick is sitting there talking to himself randomly while attacking some animal and trying to save some... nope... attacking some weird looking people on this game and he just made his person take a leak randomly.... yeah.... um?!?!?!

Espen and Ben are sitting awfully close.. oh, wait, they're listening to an Ipod... Kevin Chou is getting confused and slightly afraid because he doesn't know how to play a game.. Nicholus Waked just scratched his head and Ben Thompson is sitting there being his freshmen self.... *sigh* Connor and Taylor were playing a game.. now Taylor's hovering over Adam.... Taylor's back at his computer behind me making some sick beat with his mouth.... John Hughey is talking... Taylor sneezed and I said "Bless you" how do you say thank you in Italian? "Prego" haha I was right.... Ugh..

I guess in a sad way I will miss these people.... In a strange way... too bad I'll probably forget 'em if i move.. well that's what they make facebook for, right?

..... Awkward.... Taylor.... Strange voice.... My life

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Don't be like most ppl who read this, JUDGEMENTAL, be open-minded!!!! Otherwise you won't get it completely! Sorry I'm just brilliant and misunderstood at the same time! My friends get it too.