
I'm here again peeps


Hey I know I'm posting more than I'm "required" but hey there's a lot to talk about. I mean from fashion to guys to who's more inappropriate? There isn't a lot I can't talk about. EMAIL ME THE ANSWERS!!!!! FREAKS!!!!!!!!!!!

These are questions for guys and girls:
Replies please send to my email. It's on my profile.

1. Why do guys always say one thing and mean another?
2. Why do guys say they're busy and you know their doing something with your best friend?
3. What is the one sure fire way to know you're in love?
4. How is it even possible to be in love?
5. Is it me or is like every guy like trying for something more than I'm willing to give?
6. Are all guys jerks or just the ones I know?
7. Where do you find a non-jerk guy anyway?
8. How many questions am I going to ask no one in particular?
9. Am I going to get any answers?
10. What do guys really want when they say they want you, and all of you? Does that include the bad things to?

Now guys here are some question's I've got to ask:

1. Why do you think us, girls play hard to get?
2. What would you say/do if you found your gf w/ your best friend?
3. Would you ever dream of doing anything illegal? If so, what?
4. How many games are there to play with a girl's brain? What are they? (for future reference, I like to know when my mind is being messed with, lol)
5. Have you ever cheated on a gf? ( I won't tell)
6. Is there some kind of unwritten male code that you guys follow? What're the rules?
7.What would you do if you saw a girl texting another guy on a date?
8. On a scale of 1-10 how nosy do you think you are?
9. What are the requirements in a relationship?
10. What guidelines do you follow in a relationship? Are there any?
11. What does it mean when a guy says they'll call and never does when he says he will? Is it like a 5 mins for you= 20 mins for me? What do you do with the time?..... Do I want to know?

I guess it's pretty obvious, this blog went from a troubled girl's way of copeing with her family drama, to a travel blog, to a music blog, to a college blog, to a dating blog all in a matter of days. Funny huh?

Well, I guess what they say is right, there's no better cure for the common stupid than a little juice. So for the latest juice hit http://www.juicycampus.com/ it is guaranteed to statisfy any and every need or starvation, for gossip around almost all the college campus' in the US? oh well it's just not that important, it's a gossip site that's all that matters.

OMG!!!!!!! Total achievement I soooooo broke my soft spokenness, on paper anyway. Seriously if there's like a crowded room, I will be like the most quiet person in it.

Hmmmm.... who's been to Raleigh? The downtown scene is like the weirdest place. Like you get off the bus at Moore Square and turn the corner, and you see like 2 or 3 pubs next to each other. Seriously, there's Tour na nog and The Pour House like next to each other! I sooooooo don't drink but that's just creepy. Then you have to walk like 3 blocks to get from one museum to another, yes I am the type of person who's concerned w/ museums not banks b/c I know how much money is in my bank account LOL!!! I'm not all that concerned with how far apart the malls or shops or stores or whatever you want to call them are. Also do you know how many recording studios we have here?!?!?!? I don't either, lol. But I can name a few: Osceola, Volume 11, Post Pro Inc, Soundtrax Inc, and Top Sound. I guess it's probably b/c there's a college campus close if not on the site.

OK some last questions:

Would you date a college student, whether you're near or across an ocean? What are the guidelines? Why?

OK I TGTG. I'll be back though, I promise!! Whoop-de-doo!!! DOWN WITH CHOCOLATE, UP WITH MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Don't be like most ppl who read this, JUDGEMENTAL, be open-minded!!!! Otherwise you won't get it completely! Sorry I'm just brilliant and misunderstood at the same time! My friends get it too.