
Back to Basics(No I'm not Christina Aguilera!!! FREAKS)

OK so I know there hasn't been a lot of heart-to-heart lately. OK so here we go.

When I was five my parents split. I didn't think too much of it until a few years later. I realized my mom left him b/c he was abusive. This was startling to me b/c I could only think of one time he'd ever hit me and that was when I was three b/c I couldn't spell my name... Seriously what three year old kid who's only concerned with playing in the dirt actually takes the time to spell out her name in it?!!

We moved from North Carolina, although many think I was actually born and raised in the north b/c there's no accent, when I was five, to Kentucky. Then we moved to Enola, Pa. Following which, we moved to Carlisle, Pa and then preceded to move to Mechanicsburg, Pa. From there we moved to a town near Plainfield, Pa and then back to North Carolina. While our continuing stay in NC, we have moved a total of four times in the past 10 months.

All right, so while we lived in that town near Plainfield, I honestly can say I had never thought of my father, partially b/c he had stopped our camping trips and so I didn't really care. So when he came to visit, my mother's request not mine, I put a hoodie over my head so I wouldn't have to look at him. YES I DO HATE MY FATHER THAT MUCH!!!!! lol.

Then when I was in third grade in that same town, I wasn't liked very much, so I threatened to kill myself, and seriously this is why you should keep children away from the media!!! To this day I don't think anyone except for my one teacher, my bff at the time Alanna K. and the principal who I think has since resigned, knows about it. So...

Following that event I stopped eating and seriously it is a lot easier said than done, b/c you have to convince yourself that you're not hungry and then keep your mind off it until you forget about it completely, which is why I turned to art and sports. During those five years of that, I dropped A LOT of weight, so it's like I was a size 2 at winter that year and a size 0 basically at the summer the next. So then my mom made me go to the doctor and I was all like," Whatever, there's nothing wrong. I'm in control." Which I SO was not. Then they put me on an eating plan so instead of dieting I was like.... eating. And I had to like shove food down my throat and then if it came back up then it was all like, you have have shove more down. Then by the eighth grade I had met some new people who in their own way helped me stop the whole anorexia/bulimia thing and I am truly grateful for them, they know who they are. So anyway the summer after eighth grade, I was up to a size 9 pants and a size juniors medium shirt. so I filled out, lol. Anyway I still to this day have problems with body image, and THAT I don't like, but those people are still in my life so I'm going to be okay.

Whenever I feel like I'm heading down that road again, I call my friends and let them know and they pull me off of the tightrope, so to speak, and we just talk about random things. You can probably tell I'm one of the MOST random people on the face of the planet.

BTW, if anyone asks you what you are, say you're yin in. IDK what that means but I guess it's some kind of synonym for human. Hey if anyone asks you what language you speak, say English, don't say American b/c that's just confusing. Shout out to Tori's bro Aaron(I think that's how you spell his name...)

Anyhow this is SO random, why are there never any hot guys at the library. Yeah leave it to me to be SO incredibly bored that I spend my summer at the library, lol. K I am SO bored, Help me!!! Please! If you read this and I don't answer my phone, I was mutilated by the Boredom monster!

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Don't be like most ppl who read this, JUDGEMENTAL, be open-minded!!!! Otherwise you won't get it completely! Sorry I'm just brilliant and misunderstood at the same time! My friends get it too.