
Raleigh NC local bands

Everyone says music is the next best thing when compared to chocolate. I say music is the BEST thing; forget about chocolate. Most of it's just fattening and gives you a sick feeling when you eat too much.

Here's a list of the best bands and artists in the Raleigh/Durham area:

1. Hammer No More The Fingers (http://www.hnmtf.com/)

2. I Was Totally Destroying It (www.myspace.com/iwtdi)

3. The Pressure Boys (http://www.pressureboys.com/ )

4. Young Neil & The Damage Done (www.myspace.com/youngneilthedamagedone )

5.The Complaints (http://www.thecomplaints.com/ )

6. Ben Folds Five (http://www.benfoldsfive.com/ )

7. Annuals (http://www.annualsmusic.com/ )

8. The Old Ceremony (http://www.theoldceremony.com/ )

9. Greyhouse (www.unsigned.com/greyhouse )

10. Sold (www.myspace.com/sold or http://www.soldrocks.com/)

If you don't agree send suggestions and if you do Whoop-de-doo!

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Don't be like most ppl who read this, JUDGEMENTAL, be open-minded!!!! Otherwise you won't get it completely! Sorry I'm just brilliant and misunderstood at the same time! My friends get it too.