
scary events

OK so there are a lot of them... sike there are like two or three

First, yesterday when I was out for a walk w/ my brother, I was crossing the street, and I SO wasn't paying attention. I stepped on a dead squirrel!!!! x_x It was so disgusting. If you guys are "lucky" I'll post a pic, but there were two of them. EWW EWW EWW EWW EWW!!!

Second, Apparently the Olympics are a big deal! DUH!! It's the OLYMPICS! But I am a fan of like two or four events, lol! OK so they are as follows: Swimming, Diving, fencing, and track and field.... okay five, GYMNASTICS!!! Michael Phelps is HOT!!!!

Third, there is like a Team USA diver named Ariel, which is like a coincidence apparently b/c my name's Ariel, and I am a diver. WOW!!! FREAKY RIGHT?!

OK, so you guys don't get confused.. I have a lot of names... Here's my list:

1. Jade 2. Ice Queen 3. Cheetah 4. Rah-Rah 5. Ariel 6. Ally 7.Ellie 8. Heartbreaker

There are more, but I don't really like them that much! xD:

lol! I STGTG! Peace, love, and music! Down with chocolate, up with music!!!!! Jade out!

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Don't be like most ppl who read this, JUDGEMENTAL, be open-minded!!!! Otherwise you won't get it completely! Sorry I'm just brilliant and misunderstood at the same time! My friends get it too.