
the pep rally 09

The football team

Random football player

Peyton, Sam, and Morgan


The Band

stuff from last fall lol


Is there anything left in this world that will satisfy me

I wish i could feel something. Actually feel something. I find when others are happy, I am left feeling empathetic. I walk through my neighborhood, past the twisted excuse for a tree I used to stand and talk to him. I find I don't really remember him that much anymore. A year's past since I last shed a tear over his name or even uttered it. I feel like sometimes I should have told him what I really felt. Word to the wise: always tell him what you feel.
I found my blade earlier. It's just as i remember it. Small. Compact. Clean. Cold. I put it away. The last thing I need is for someone to find it and start to ask questions.

I find its best to not think. I make myself numb. I don't want to experience the things in life that hurt. Sometimes when I think, I find my mind wanders a lot. I think about everything. I would rather not think.


So here's something...

"And I shout that you're all fake and you should have seen the look on your face. And I guess that's what it takes when comparing your bellyaches. And it's been a long time which agrees with this watch of mine. And I guess that I miss you, and I'm sorry if I dissed you"

reasons to let go of the pain

Most people will tell you to let go of the pain, but, honestly, do they really know what you feel?

If I asked you to go for a walk with me would you, even if it was raining?

If I told you I loved you, would you feel the same?

Do I care?

Do you?

And if you did care would you care enough to save me?

or would you leave me in the flames?

End of the Semester

So I just took my VOCATs exam; I think I did pretty good. I'm sitting here with a gummy worm in my mouth passing the time til 10:30 I doubt I will type that long but I guess I might as well, right?

So I'm sitting here listening to this girl next to me hum to herself and the guys in our class are playing some stupid game and I wonder if I will miss these people. The ones I have spent the last hundred days or so.... Yeah, I seriously doubt it.. Jenna's sitting over there laughing and joking and just out right freaking me out because she's talking to herself... Anders is sitting in the computer in front of me acting like a freshmen and Nick is sitting there talking to himself randomly while attacking some animal and trying to save some... nope... attacking some weird looking people on this game and he just made his person take a leak randomly.... yeah.... um?!?!?!

Espen and Ben are sitting awfully close.. oh, wait, they're listening to an Ipod... Kevin Chou is getting confused and slightly afraid because he doesn't know how to play a game.. Nicholus Waked just scratched his head and Ben Thompson is sitting there being his freshmen self.... *sigh* Connor and Taylor were playing a game.. now Taylor's hovering over Adam.... Taylor's back at his computer behind me making some sick beat with his mouth.... John Hughey is talking... Taylor sneezed and I said "Bless you" how do you say thank you in Italian? "Prego" haha I was right.... Ugh..

I guess in a sad way I will miss these people.... In a strange way... too bad I'll probably forget 'em if i move.. well that's what they make facebook for, right?

..... Awkward.... Taylor.... Strange voice.... My life


Will we ever wake up unafraid?

It's like 1000 paper cuts soaked in vinegar. Like the battles with yourself that leave you insecure.It's all just a numbing charade until the day you finally wake up and you're not afraid.


'Cause when a heart breaks no it don't break even

"I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing... just praying to a god that I don't believe in. 'Cause I got time while he got freedom.'Cause when a heart breaks no it don't break even."

"What am I supposed to do, when the best part of me was always you? And what am I supposed to say, when I'm all choked up but you're okay? I'm falling to pieces. I'm falling to pieces."

"They say bad things happen for a reason. But those wise words don't stop the bleeding"



"Nobody out there wants to understand. And nobody out there takes me as I am. I'm feeling alone here. I know there's gotta be somebody somewhere. That's all she wrote."

I'm still walking the line that leads me home

It feels like I'm alone sometimes; like no one truely understands. I believe it is because of my own choices. I seem to push everyone away. Today, while at Bible study, it hit me: I don't think I can let anyone in; truely let them into my life. I know that sounds just like any other girl, but I realize I have never trusted anyone with everything that I am. I have, recently, opened up to a few people about my problem with cutting but I seriously don't think they get it.

I don't truely know why I cut, I just know that if I stop for a little, it gets ten times worse later. I went without it for two months, and then, new years eve I did it again. I have been told numerous times it is wrong, and I mean really do you guys really doubt I know it? I know it's bad for me.

Anyway, I was sitting in Bible study and I swear I could feel like everyone could see right through my front. I didn't say anything and no one said anything.

I feel so crappy right now. I don't know whether I should do it or just sit here....

I hate my life....


Don't be like most ppl who read this, JUDGEMENTAL, be open-minded!!!! Otherwise you won't get it completely! Sorry I'm just brilliant and misunderstood at the same time! My friends get it too.